The video discusses purchasing additional in-game resources beyond what is earned through the claim stake feature covered in the previous step. The presenter guides the viewer through the process on the Star Atlas marketplace, starting with navigating to the “Resources” section where the different types of consumable resources are available – ammunition, food, fuel, and toolkits.
The presenter chooses to purchase 1,000 units of each resource using the ATLAS token rather than USDC. For each resource, the viewer selects the lowest-priced option, types in the quantity of 1,000, and completes the purchase transaction through their connected Phantom wallet. After the transactions, the viewer checks their inventory but does not initially see the new resources, likely due to a delay in the blockchain transaction being reflected on the website.
The viewer then checks their Phantom wallet directly and sees the newly acquired resources, confirming that the purchases went through successfully. The presenter summarizes that the viewer has now purchased 1,000 units of each key consumable resource using their ATLAS tokens, in addition to the resources generated by the claim stake, complementing the passive income.
The summary outlines the step-by-step process of acquiring additional in-game resources through direct purchases on the Star Atlas marketplace, building upon the previous coverage of the claim stake feature.
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Video Transcript – Play Star Atlas with $100 and $20 per month – Buy Resources
[00:00:00] So we saw in the last step the ability to use a claim stake in order to automatically gain some of the resources, the food, fuel, ammo, and toolkits. But let’s just say you need more of them for some reason. Well there is a way actually to purchase some just like any other asset. So if we go to the marketplace and on the left hand side column here we’ll see resources.
[00:00:23] Let’s go ahead and expand out that section. Okay we’ll actually see there’s a number of different types of resources available. In this case we’re actually looking for consumables. So let’s go ahead and click on consumables. Okay. And when that expands, we actually see the four different consumables here.
[00:00:41] And we for this step, I’m just going to go ahead and purchase a thousand of each one of those to increase our inventory. So we’ll just go and click on one in this case, ammunition. And the screens will be very similar for all four of these. I’ll go ahead and go through all four of them just so you can see.
[00:00:59] But again pretty much the same. Now, unlike the other ones where you had two currencies, you could work in USDC and Atlas. This one is only available in Atlas. Hence why we purchased some at the beginning and some of the other things you’ll see different quantities and the different price, but again, this is an Atlas, not in USDC.
[00:01:18] to convert that from one to the other. So again, usually it sorts by the cheapest at the top, but again, just do a little spot check just to make sure you’re buying, but typically the one at the top is there. So we’ll just go ahead and hit the buy button and we’ll type in the quantity of a thousand and we’ll go ahead and buy a thousand ammunition.
[00:01:39] And again, the price will actually be 1. 25 Atlas. Okay. So we’re buying Atlas. Excuse me. Buying ammunition. It costs Atlas. There’s a little network fee of Solana there. We’ll go ahead and confirm. In this case, we didn’t get a little notification, but because we approved the transaction, everything looks fine.
[00:01:57] So let’s just go ahead and close that. And just to check this, we’ll actually go back to our inventory.
[00:02:07] Yeah. Interesting. We’re seeing we don’t have it. So again, here’s how we can check this first scene is actually just to go ahead and refresh Go ahead and go to the resource and we still don’t see it. So, this could be one of two things. One, maybe the transaction that we did did not go through completely.
[00:02:24] That does happen from time to time as a blockchain. The other could be just it’s a patience thing. This is just a web browser that’s reading data from our account on the blockchain. So it could just be not showing that. There is another way you can check too. It’s actually phantom can look at your resources.
[00:02:41] So we’ll go ahead and go to the phantom wallet here. And again, we’ll go to that kind of collection screen, and we’ll see here it does show the ammunition of just one. And if we open it up and we look down, it does it doesn’t show the number other than that number one. So, again, there is a chance.
[00:03:01] Now what we can do is within the phantom wallet, if we click on the icon down here, we can see some recent activity. Ah, interesting. It does say there was a failed app interaction. And if again, we open that up, we’ll get some information, but in this case, that’s a pretty good indicator that maybe something didn’t go through.
[00:03:18] So let’s go ahead and try to process that again. So again, that’s going to the marketplace
[00:03:28] that is opening up resources,
[00:03:33] consumable consumables,
[00:03:38] and go ahead and try that again. So we’ll click on ammunition, go ahead and pick the one here at the top, we’ll go ahead and say, buy, type in a thousand, we’ll hit buy a thousand items. A thousand, our pricing atlas, and we’ll confirm. And now we get the order complete. So we’re just going to go through the rest of those and then we’ll check all of them at once.
[00:04:02] So we’ll go ahead and go to food. Now this one just has a quantity of one, even though it’s the cheapest price, but I just want to do two. So I’ll just pick the next one because it’s well, that one’s big difference, but again, there’s still pennies in, in, in United States dollars. So we’ll go ahead and do buy here.
[00:04:21] Again, type in a thousand, hit buy items, we’ll confirm the transaction,
[00:04:30] and it completed. So we’ll go to fuel next, and again I’ll just pick the next one, again it’s not, you know, gigantically different, but I just want to do one transaction, so we’ll buy a thousand from this person. Okay, type in a thousand, buy a thousand items, hit confirm, and we’ll do the final of the consumables sometimes just call it again, resources, which is toolkit.
[00:04:57] And again, I’ll pick this one here just to make it simpler to do it all in one to a thousand by a thousand items. And now we’ve completed that. So go, we’ll go ahead and view inventory. And we’ll see that we have a thousand plus the ones we had claimed from our claim state. So to summarize this section, basically we have purchased some of the resources we will need in different parts of the game.
[00:05:23] Showed you how to purchase a thousand of each of those using the Atlas token that was in our wallet.