How to play Star Atlas SAGE Labs (Starbased) – Starting Game


This video provides a walkthrough of starting and navigating the Starbased game within the Star Atlas universe. The speaker guides users through accessing the game via the Star Atlas website or directly at They detail the initial setup process, which involves connecting a wallet (specifically Phantom in this example), selecting a faction, and creating a character.

The speaker encounters technical difficulties during the setup, which they attribute to blockchain congestion or issues typical of an early-release game. After resolving these problems, they offer a comprehensive overview of the game interface. The overview includes a map displaying various starbases represented by yellow squares, with the ability to zoom and pan across different areas controlled by the three factions: MUD, ONI, and USTUR.

The tutorial explains how to interact with the map, noting that clicking on empty sectors provides basic information while selecting starbases reveals more detailed data and available commands. The speaker then describes key interface elements, such as an overview panel for crafting and surveys, a feature to view all fleet movements, and account information displaying experience (XP) and loyalty points (LP).

Throughout the explanation, the speaker emphasizes that Starbased is an early-access game, so some features may not function perfectly or could change in future updates. They also highlight the Central Space Station’s significance as the primary resource management hub within the game.

The tutorial concludes by reiterating the basic steps covered: starting the game, creating a profile, exploring the user interface, and noting that the Atlas Prime feature was turned off for this introductory guide.

This summary provides a concise overview of the initial steps and basic navigation in the Starbased game, underlining its blockchain integration and the potential for ongoing developments and improvements.

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Video Transcript – How to play Star Atlas SAGE Labs (Starbased) – Starting Game

[00:00:00] For the next step, we’re going to go ahead and actually start up the Starbase game. So again, if you come to play. staros. com or go to the main Staros page and hit play game, you’ll actually come to this screen. This is the first one at the top here. There’s also a link over here on SageLabs there. So we’ll go ahead and just play it.

[00:00:24] So we’ll open up a another web browser window. This one is at based. And you can just type that in in the future. You don’t have to go through those screens. So when you first log in, you will have to go through the process of creating a profile within the game. And we’ll go through those steps next.

[00:00:43] So to get started creating your profile, just click your connect wallet.

[00:00:50] So welcome you to there again, it warns you again, this is early access, but we want to go ahead and launch game. Do have to accept and look at the terms of service and the privacy policy, and then you connect your wallet. In this case, again, we’re using the Phantom wallet. So it says it’s connecting. We do have this option for Atlas Prime.

[00:01:14] I’ll go ahead and let you read through this. At this point, I’m going to say no to it just because I want to show you the, the basic levels of getting in. Again, there are definitely pros to using Atlas Prime. So you know, but you can always turn it on and off at any time, but just to simplify this setting up the profile one, we’ll just go ahead and say no thanks at this point.

[00:01:36] Okay, to begin with, you do need to select one of your factions, so you do have to pick between the three. I’ll reference if you’re interested in which one of those are, if you go back to your the main website and when you initially set up your faction you can learn more information about that.

[00:01:54] So I’m going to go ahead and just for this one, go ahead and put, put Mud. You do get the option to name your character so you can personalize them with a unique name. Enter the name below you like. If you don’t choose a name, they’re going to pick one for you. So, so I’m just going to just call this one the same name I gave to my wallet, which was Demo two.

[00:02:14] Okay. And then go ahead and click the create character. And again, because you’re actually placing all this information on the blockchain, there will be a transaction request that comes is needed. So the phantom wall should appear and you can go ahead and select that complete that transaction. So you’ll see that there is a small sole fee for this and the normal network fee.

[00:02:34] So go ahead and hit confirm.

[00:02:40] And this does happen from time to time within the Starbase, the interface doesn’t seem to change or do anything like that. If that is the case the best thing to do is just hit the refresh button within your web browser, and that’ll basically reroll the page. Okay, once the webpage appears to load, go ahead and click your connect wallet button.

[00:02:59] Go ahead and check from your available wallets, in this case, Phantom. Continue.

[00:03:08] And we’ll see our ability to select the character. So we’ll go ahead and do the dropdown, and there is our Demo 2 one.

[00:03:17] Again, if you have issues moving forward like I’m having, go ahead and do another refresh. Go ahead and connect your wallet.

[00:03:32] and select your character from the drop down.

[00:03:39] Unfortunately, it still hasn’t loaded in the profile we created. This unfortunately does happen from time to time depending on different things like blockchain congestion or even some of the star alice components. So unfortunately, sometimes you just have to be patient and come back later. Again, part of the purpose of this tutorial series, this guide is to show you different things that might just take longer.

[00:04:02] And unfortunately, because this is a pre alpha early release game, some things just don’t work. My hunch is this is a blockchain issue just at the moment that I’m recording this. So, I’m going to actually stop the recording now and come back at a later date and we’ll continue through with the user creation.

[00:04:21] So of course, no time passed for you, but much time passed for me. In fact, I waited an entire day to see if things work better. So let’s go ahead now and see if we can get back into starting the Sage Labs Starbase game. I’m just going to start off from the beginning. So again, very abrupt, but I would prefer to show you kind of the whole process.

[00:04:40] So again, if we were on the main website, we’d quickly play Star Atlas banner, or again, we could type in base. staratlas. com. As you recall, just moments ago, we had the thing where we created our profile, we then had some issues, refreshed, we were able to select it, and connect the wallet and things like that.

[00:04:59] Now, everything seems to be functioning better. We could still click the wallet here to connect, but if we actually give it a couple seconds,

[00:05:12] We’ll see that we automatically directly went in. So again the previous parts just before this, the video was showing us how we created the profile didn’t work and we selected it. Once it gets selected and your wallets there, it should just auto log you in here. So we see that our user up here is demo too.

[00:05:29] So before we get into too much more, I want to just go through kind of this interface. So you kind of, kind of see what you’re at. So the first thing is This is kind of a map with different star bases. So each one of these kind of yellow squares, here’s a star base. If you actually take your mouse and if you have a scroll wheel, you actually scroll out, you’ll see that the map actually gets smaller because you’re scrolling out further.

[00:05:51] And if we go all the way to the end, we’ll kind of see that it’s basically a rectangle and we were just down into here. So if we scroll, zoom back in, we’ll see that the words get clear. We’ll actually see that they each have a name. So in this case, mud. CSS. That’s for the MUD Faction and the CSS is the Central Space Station.

[00:06:12] Again, that’s a starbase. Then there are these other starbases, each one of these squares. This one happens to be called MUD4, MUD3, MUD5. Two, and then there’s something called MRZ 2 that stands for medium risk zone. Basically there are a whole bunch of things and if we kind of use the mouse to hold down and kind of pan the window, we’ll actually see different things here.

[00:06:35] So basically the best way to think about this is there are three factions. The mud faction is kind of down in the bottom of the map. If we go over here, kind of going to the upper left, we will see the ONI. I actually clicked on a icon or a square and that’s why this came up. So I’m just going to turn that off.

[00:06:52] I was going to show you that in a second, but again, if we keep scrolling without clicking, we go over to the upper right, we’ll start seeing ones that have a booster. So again we happen to pick the mud faction when we were creating this. So we’ll go back down to the mud area. Okay. There’s the mud CSS and we’ll scroll in there.

[00:07:12] Okay. So That’s how you kind of move around the map. Each one of these squares is basically one unit of movement within the Starbase game. We’ll get into movement in a second, but anyways, but here’s where clicking happens. So if you click on just a random square, this comes up and you see it says neutral sector, undiscovered sector, and then it gives the coordinates.

[00:07:33] So this coordinate of that is and get you. vaguely remember algebra, right? Algebra, I think. Geometry. No, algebra. This is negative two on the x axis, negative 38 on the y axis. So somewhere in the middle is, But again, there’s not much here. But if on the other hand, we click on the space station that’s called the Mudd Central Space Station, we’ll actually see a whole bunch more information occur.

[00:07:56] In this case commands pop up. Okay, they’re finally loaded. And so we’ll go through those later on. But again, if you click on either the Mudd Central Space Station or another space Space Station, you’ll actually get your Starbase controls.

[00:08:15] So, that kind of comes up here. Again, you can always close it. Just as an aside, each one of these Starbases does have some lore, so if you click on the lore button here, you’ll actually get information about kind of the lore So, great part of learning more about the Star Atlas story. Okay, so we’ll close that back up.

[00:08:32] So again, we have the full screen. We do have some different buttons over here. So one is called show overview. We turn that on. We get this information about our crafting processes and a sector survey. Again, those don’t make any sense right now, but just want to kind of show you what that is. If we click on show all fleets, we’ll actually see a whole bunch more information and these are all the other fleets being moved around in the game.

[00:08:55] So I’m going to actually scroll on a little bit closer so you can kind of see. So you’ll see different arrows, colors. I’m hovering over one and it’s actually showing that, Hey, this one’s sub warping Fimbulmomba X it’s going from Looks like the central space station over to mud five. And because this is all on the blockchain again, we can actually see it.

[00:09:14] So if I click again, then it pops up on that one. We can actually see the wallet that owns it, how much fuel is in the fuel tank and that. So because this is all on the blockchain, it’s all public data and you can kind of see that. So that’s what this show all fleet. All fleets does now again, a little bit overwhelming.

[00:09:32] So we’re going to just go ahead and turn that back off. Up at the top. There are a few things. It’s interesting. Note one is the version number. Occasionally from the star Atlas discord, they’ll talk about version numbers and bug fixes and things like that. So that’s helpful. This is our account and picture, but if you drop down, there are the ability, as we do different things, we can earn license.

[00:09:53] XP or experience and those will actually start accumulating as we do things. So we’ll see that over here. We’ll actually see what our total XP is and something called LP, which stands for loyalty points. And then lastly, there is kind of A little bit of information here that there’s a new feature for Atlas Prime and you can now enable it, but we have the gear icon here, and if we drop that down, we’ll actually see that we have some options to change different settings there.

[00:10:18] So we see things that are inactive. We can actually manage different section settings. Again, most of this is kind of More advanced things and again, I’m just going to try to show you the beginning parts of things here And again, you can disconnect or actually go out and read the changelog. So we’ll go ahead and close that down So anyways, that’s just a quick overview of the tutorial Or excuse me of the user interface again, we’ll get into individual things using these commands here when we’re in the starbase the last thing to mention is The the central space station is the only place you can take resources in and out from your wallet and other parts of the game.

[00:10:58] So basically think of it as your center point for the different things. So that’s it. Again, we started the game, we created our profile, we looked around a little bit at the user interface, and again we just turned off the Atlas Prime for this kind of tutorial.

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