How to play Star Atlas SAGE Labs (Starbased) – Scanning


This video tutorial explains the scanning process in the Starbased game within Star Atlas. Here’s a summary:

Scanning is an action in Starbased that allows players to search for Survey Data Units (SDUs) used in various aspects of Star Atlas. Players need a fleet with fuel and food in its cargo hold to perform scanning.

The speaker demonstrates how to add food to a fleet’s cargo using the Local Inventory interface. They then undock the fleet from the space station, as scanning can only be performed in space.

The tutorial shows how to initiate a scan requiring a blockchain transaction. The speaker notes that scanning often yields no results, especially near the central space station where many players might be scanning.

An important point highlighted is the cooldown period after each scan. Players must wait for the scan button to become available again before performing another scan.

The speaker also mentions that players can scan in different sectors by moving their fleet, but cautions to ensure sufficient fuel for the return journey.

Throughout the tutorial, the blockchain integration of the game is evident, with actions requiring transaction confirmations. The speaker also notes that sometimes multiple transactions may be needed for a single action.

While this guide focuses on the basic mechanics of scanning, the speaker acknowledges that there are more advanced aspects to scanning, such as probabilities and optimal locations, which are beyond the scope of this beginner’s tutorial.

This summary provides an overview of the scanning process in Starbased, covering the necessary resources, how to perform a scan and key considerations like cooldowns and fuel management.

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Video Transcript – How to play Star Atlas SAGE Labs (Starbased) – Scanning

[00:00:00] Okay, for this next video, I wanted to show how you do scanning. Scanning is one of the actions within Starbase. It allows you to get a special thing called an SDU, which is a a data unit, and it’s used for different aspects of Other parts of star Alice. So in order to do scanning, you actually have to have a couple of things.

[00:00:18] One you may need fuel in the fleet, but you definitely need fuel. Excuse me, food. So in this case, we want to see where we left off our fleet. So again, we can look at the mud central space station. But again, I just like the shortcut by going up here. We see that we’re docked at the mud station.

[00:00:34] So I go ahead and click on that and we’ll see that we have some fuel. We have some ammo. And we have nothing in our cargo. So in this case, we actually want to add some cargo. One of the ways you can do that is actually through the local inventory button. So we’ll go ahead and click on local inventory. We want to make a fleet selection to proceed.

[00:00:54] So we’ll drop that down. We’ll say there’s our fleet. And it tells us our cargo hold. In this case, it’s 389. I’m going to go ahead and transfer food of, let’s say, 150. And then I’ll transfer that to the fleet. Again, we’ll get the standard transaction to complete the command on the blockchain, and we’ll go ahead and confirm.

[00:01:25] Okay, so cargo has been deposited. Go ahead and close this up. Look at here. This case doesn’t show any, but we’ll do the little refresh button here, and now it shows 150. So we’ll go ahead and undock because you have to be out in space to do scanning. So we’ll go ahead and do an undock. Confirm that. And now we’re undocked from the space station.

[00:01:47] We’re out in space. And now, the scan button is available. The reason it wasn’t available so the, if your scan button is not available, the reason why is you probably don’t have food in your cargo. So we’re going to go ahead and scan. Now, we could move to other squares. Every square you can scan for these data units, these SDUs, but in this case to make this video a little shorter, I’m just going to stay there.

[00:02:09] But imagine again, you could move out as far as you want. But again, if you move out, make sure you have enough fuel to get back. If you stay at the central space station, of course, you can just dock and undock. So we’re there. We’re going to go ahead and hit the scan command and see how it works.

[00:02:24] Again, it’s a action, so it requires a blockchain change. So we’ll go ahead and click on that. And confirm that

[00:02:35] and this does happen from time to time on different commands. Sometimes you have to actually approve true transactions So nothing to be worried about there because just part of the game So go ahead and select that second transaction when I’ll see that the little spinner is going down here

[00:02:53] And it said that did not reveal anything of interest Welcome to the fun Part of scanning most the time you won’t find anything and because we’re also at the central space station and other people could be scanning They’re highly unlikely. We’ll get there. But again It’s just part of one of the game things if you’re interested in trying to scan for that raw material in this case this data unit, so Once you’re done scanning, of course you can, if you found something you could dock, if you run out of fuel or food food in this case, if you’ve done a lot of scanning, you could dock.

[00:03:28] But one thing on the scanning, there is also a cool down. So if we see here, the icon is grayed out and there is a time limit that we have to wait before we can scan again. So just kind of wait in till the icon becomes available again, and then you’ll be able to scan another time. So that’s basically everything about scanning.

[00:03:49] There are a whole bunch of more aspects like probabilities, where to look for. But again, this is just a kind of beginner’s guide. So that’s basically the process on how you do scanning.

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