How to play Star Atlas SAGE Labs (Starbased) – Cargo


This video tutorial provides a comprehensive overview of cargo management in the Starbased game within Star Atlas and ties together the various aspects of gameplay covered in previous tutorials.

The speaker demonstrates how to manage cargo after mining or scanning operations: The tutorial then provides a broader perspective on combining these individual mechanics for more complex gameplay.

Throughout the tutorial, the speaker continues to highlight the blockchain integration of the game, with each action requiring transaction confirmations.

This video concludes the basic mechanics of Starbased, tying together the concepts of movement, scanning, mining, and cargo management. It also provides a glimpse into more advanced gameplay strategies, setting the stage for future, more complex tutorials.

Video Topics

  • 0:00 Introduction
  • 0:26 Get cargo out
  • 1:34 Transfer to wallet
  • 2:49 Supply chain ideas

Video Transcript – How to play Star Atlas SAGE Labs (Starbased) – Cargo

[00:00:00] If you’ve been following along in this guide, you’ll have learned how to move around Starbase, you’ll learn how to scan, and you’ll learn how to mine. The final kind of step is just sort of how to deal with the cargo. So in this case, we want to find our ship. Again, this kind of fleets button works really great.

[00:00:18] We see that we’re undocked outside the Mud Central space station. We’ll click on that. We’ll see we still have some fuel and ammo and we got a few things in the cargo bay. So in order to get the cargo out, we have to dock at the spent. central space or any space station. You would dock at the central space station if you want to actually take those resources and put them back into your wallet.

[00:00:37] So you can use it in other parts of the star Atlas game. And that’s what we’re going to, that’s what I’m gonna show you here. So we’re at the central space station. Again, if we were somewhere else, we can move back. We’re here. We go ahead and dock, go ahead and confirm that transaction. So now we’re docked.

[00:00:54] And now there’s a couple different things we can do to get that cargo out. One is we can actually go to the haner, and we’ll see there’s actually an unload all cargo button, but I want to show you how to do it individually if you want to. So you actually can open up the individual fleet, go down to the cargo here, and we’ll see our food and our hydrogen.

[00:01:13] In this case, I want to unload just the hydrogen, so I click that. It’s going to do all 28, but I could type in a different number, and then I can transfer the cargo to the starbase. So I’ll go ahead and click on that, and we’ll confirm that.

[00:01:30] And we’ll see that it’s disappeared here. Now, in this case, it’s out of our fleet again, shows it there. And we want to put it in our wallet. Well, that’s actually where we go to local inventory. And if we scroll down the list here, we’ll see that there’s our 28 hydrogen in our Starbase, but we want to put it in our wallet.

[00:01:48] So we click that, click the number there just to save us. And we want to export to the wallet. So we’ll go ahead and export. And again, because it’s an action within the game, we have to record it on the blockchain. So we’ll see that our 28 hydrogen is leaving a little bit of a network fee. We can click confirm, and we’ll see that it changes from in the Starbase to stored in wallet.

[00:02:13] Okay, that’s changed. Again, we’ll probably get that. Yep, there’s zero. Okay, so now it’s in our wallet, but let’s go ahead and check that. So the best way to check that is actually go to the Star Atlas website. Again, we’ll just go to the main page. We could also go to play. staratlas. com. Hit play now. Okay, when that’s fully loaded, go ahead and find the inventory on the left side here.

[00:02:37] And in this case, these are actually resources. So we’ll click on the resource tab and we’ll see there’s our 28 hydrogen. So we basically have taken it out of Starbase, put it back in our wallet, and that’s what it shows up here. So that’s pretty much the major commands you can do within SageLabs.

[00:02:52] So to kind of wrap up this kind of middle section here, I just want to kind of explain where these could all be kind of put together to do different things. So I did everything with one fleet. Basically I moved the fleet, I showed you how to scan for SDUs, and I showed you how to do mine and then how to move cargo around both between the fleet and the starbase and out of the starbase back in your wallet.

[00:03:13] But let’s just say you had More than one fleet you could actually have a fleet dedicated just to scanning it could just move around and Hit the scan button and see if you find anything and move again and scan on the other hand You can have a fleet maybe dedicated just to mining and maybe again you wanted to go up to one of the other star bases and mine there That’s a potential thing you do.

[00:03:36] You can even leave that fleet right there and maybe have a different fleet that actually just simply moves the mind resources back to your central space station. So this is where the complexity of star base actually becomes in there is where basically you could create supply chains with multiple fleets and That’s where some of the economies of scale come in, where you could have specialized ships that are, say, better about mining, special ships that are better for scanning, special ships that are better for transport, they hold more, and set this up so that you can be doing lots of things at the same time.

[00:04:09] Now, you may say, well, that’s a lot to do. I don’t want to click around a lot. Well, there are tools that community members have made that can automate some of this, and I’ll go into that into future videos.

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