Podcast 99: Star Atlas Weekly Review

Star Atlas: Week in Review Podcast

In this episode, we recap the latest news of Star Atlas from the past week.

We are looking for guests to be on our podcast. The podcast is a discussion of the past week’s news about Star Atlas. If you are interested in being on the podcast, please contact us.

We are launching a Star Atlas merch store. Please check it out at Intergalactic Gear.

We are creating a “non-guild” guild. If you are interested in learning more, please go to Intergalactic Coalition.

If you would like to support our efforts, donations can be sent to intergalacticherald.sol

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Podcast Transcript

[00:00:00] Hi, this is Matt with the Intergalactic Herald. Welcome to my Star Atlas week in review podcast. This is podcast number 99. Any articles or videos mentioned can be found on my website at intergalacticherald. com. Please look for news recap number 147. So just a quick summary of the things be going over this past week.

[00:00:20] We had Dom, one of the community team members doing a walkthrough of the new I guess we’ll keep calling it the showroom, but definitely the UE5 version of Star Atlas. There was an Atlas brew where they also did another demo of UE5. And then I’m not sure which exact time it came out, but I, I didn’t read it until Friday.

[00:00:38] In Discord, there was a very long announcement from the CEO, Michael Wigner, about some of the issues rated around the Sage, or I guess we’ll call it the Solana transaction issues. So that’s the content for today. But before I get to that, just a couple of updates on projects that I’m working on. One, I do have a DAO PIP idea in out there for an in person community meetup platform.

[00:01:00] If you go to the Stardust discord and the DAO section and PIP. ideas. You’ll see it there with that name and my name. Really appreciate your feedback. If you have any questions, that’d be great. Otherwise if you like it, I appreciate a thumbs up. Once I can get to 25, then I can move to the next phase and start drafting the proposal in detail.

[00:01:19] Also I do have a merch store, Intergalactic Gear. It is still a work in progress. It does sell Star Atlas mugs with both Star Atlas logos and faction logos. Trying to get more products out. Hope this weekend, but if you listen to my podcast you know every weekend I say I’m gonna hope to get to it, but we’ll see.

[00:01:37] And then the last project I’m working on is a Star Atlas community for gamers that aren’t members of guilds would prefer a different. Kind of platform than the chat based one of discord, more about threaded discussions and email alerts when you want to check. So you don’t have to be looking at it and lose track of conversations.

[00:01:54] If you go to intergalactic coalition. com, there’s an interest survey fill that out. And once we get enough interest, I’ll start building that community. So let’s go ahead and get into the main content. The Stardust team was back at work, but not a lot of updates, which. Makes sense. I was back at work too and just keeping my heads down, trying to get back into the swing of things at work and keep my clients in my market agency all happy.

[00:02:17] But Dom or Dominic one of the community team members did put out a YouTube video on his personal YouTube channel. You can find the link in my news recap just going through kind of the walkthrough of the different changes in the update. So I think that was very great. So again, you want to look at more than just what was given at the town hall.

[00:02:33] He did highlight many things. Additionally, we did have the Atlas brew this past week. It too was a demo of the new UE5 thing. So again, the, the let’s see. It was the, I guess there was the star base that moves into the project gallery where you can zoom between planets looking at those planets let’s see what else did they go over the I don’t know if they went over the racing.

[00:02:55] They definitely went over the kind of, I guess they’re calling it gunplay, but I’ll call it a shooter. So anyways, another great thing. More of an overview on both those. If you want more in depth point to Beyond the Horizons video series. I think he’s done. five now of different parts of that were gone over in that.

[00:03:11] So definitely check him out. And then the last kind of content which kind of still trying to exactly figure out but again, even if I knew where it was, it was probably something I read in the foundation, but Michael Wagner, the CEO did write a pretty long detailed announcement in the discord channel.

[00:03:27] So hence public knowledge and. I’m not sure, again, what he was responding to, but he definitely wanted to address the entire thing, and a lot of it related to the Solana transaction issues. And, what I also really appreciate about it is it kind of gave some of the current state of their thinking, their original vision, which, again, always nice to hear that mentioned.

[00:03:50] Of hey, what are we trying to do? And again, the vision was and I, again, Took a lot of time writing it, so it’s, there’s a lot of good details there. It wasn’t just, I, I, I assume he wrote it, and. edited it and, you know, fine tuned it, or else he’s just an incredible writer and can just do it off the top of his, I don’t know, but anyway, it had a lot of details there.

[00:04:12] So, he again reminded that the, the ultimate idea of Star Atlas, and again, there’s Star Atlas the game, there’s Star Atlas the metaverse, anyways, that its goal is to be a globally accessible, decentralized MMO with all the other things we think of. So I That, again, was nice to hear. The other thing that is very important to Star OS, the company, is the idea of the composability, I think I said that, yeah, composability, the idea that since it’s on the blockchain and they’re all doing APIs to the different things they’re building, other people can build on top of it.

[00:04:44] And again, we’ve seen that with the Sly Assistant tool, the Evi, Yeah, Eevee to get data and things like that. And, and other things that are coming down a lot of the things that were built for the hackathon. So again, that composability is a very important ethos of what they’re trying to develop and how they differentiate star Atlas from other games that are out there.

[00:05:07] So again, it was nice to hear that again. Again, it set the it set the Vision, but the other key point that brought up in that announcement was again, that the blockchain integration is an integral part of their vision. And again, it allows for the composability, it allows for the global accessibility, the decentralization and all those things.

[00:05:25] So I think again, Key was to state that, but then immediately start talking about, well, we understand that there are the Solana transaction issues. It is causing problems with the sage game. It is hampering quote unquote fun of playing it because again, if you have to click and refresh in there, so it sounded like he decided to Kind of give us a little bit of the behind the scenes and what the team had been talking about and also Referencing that the team has been talking about this for a while and it’s so it’s not something there just now Oh, yeah, it’s bad.

[00:05:58] We got to fix it, but there isn’t a quick fix He did he want he’d want to stress that there wasn’t a quick fix wasn’t an immediate fix But a lot of different things but it has to fit the vision and so one of the things that was brought up and this is where again my lack of understanding of the blockchain technology.

[00:06:16] I mean, I can understand it, but when you start throwing around acronyms and different topics, like what’s a level one, I don’t really know. So I kind of have to read between the lines to figure it out. So if you want the, all the details and all those acronyms, you know, please do check out the announcement on Discord.

[00:06:35] But It was mentioned, we’ve heard before, that they, Star Atlas has their own, I guess we’ll call it clone, for lack of a better term, of Solana, the blockchain, so that they can do their testing of all their programs that, in effect, are what Star Atlas the game is. So, it sounded like one thought was they could just Make that the real thing.

[00:06:56] And then that could take care of transaction issues, speed, making sure when you do a transaction actually occurs and things like that. But then as the article kind of ended, it, it kind of went more into the. Could have, maybe this might could take years, so I probably should reread it again, but I, it was late, so I got one pass, but the summary to me, at least was, there was lots of options.

[00:07:23] The team has been thinking about ideas to deal with the issues. And I, I’m going to say that that was the main takeaway from it is the team is aware they’re doing things, but nothing is an immediate fix because that’s both the blessing and the curse. Curse of working on another platform is it provides you all the benefits, but it also means you’re You’re kind of there and again a lot of it I think is they were saying all the meme coins have been built on Solana it makes sense because Solana is good for those but then it affects that so anyways again.

[00:07:58] It’s a great read lots of great information a lot of kind of high level thinking about vision and strategy, but also saying, Hey, we’re aware of what we might do in the future. But again, I don’t think anything was like, this is what we’re gonna do. It’s more of letting the community know we are. aware of it.

[00:08:18] So anyways, and so just sort of my last two sections, kind of my state of star atlas and my journey just a little more, I guess, editorializing on the, on the Solana issues. I, and I’ve said this before, I mean, I do think, unfortunately, the Solana transaction fees are kind of the big, not necessarily, yeah, I guess kind of a big barrier to entry, but only in the sense that they cost money and that those costs Don’t actually contribute to your gameplay or the larger community that, that’s just a part of being on there.

[00:08:46] But again Michael Widener addressed some of those in his thing about, well, maybe the DAO could pay him, maybe this, maybe that. And again, so, there’s no clear cut answer of how to do it, but

[00:08:56] I, I guess the thing that is, kind of in reflection upon it is, and I’ve said this before, I mean, I just want to play a game and it is cool. It’s on the blockchain. It’s cool that you own your NFTs. That’s different than other games. But I guess if you are just building a game, then these are unnecessary. You could move to other alternatives, build your own blockchain, you know, other, other things like that.

[00:09:21] But now that we’ve been restated or reinforced the vision especially the composability, but the idea that, you know, eventually the DAO could own the game and basically it’d be its own self running economy group, whatever you want to call it. It does make sense that you have to have all these things, even if there are hiccups and, and slowdowns and, and growing pains.

[00:09:47] So it makes sense. And then I guess if you flip the coin again, if you’re just. don’t care about that and you’re just going to build a game, well then you’re not any different than any other game. So, I guess it’s very good that it’s restated. It helps reinforce that this is different. It is being built the first of its kind and they’re not trying to do this like any other MMO.

[00:10:15] I mean, they are trying to add all these things. So, again, I Either option is a perfectly valid fork in the road, but it’s more of the team and the owners, I guess. I mean, employees do what the co founders want to do. I mean, if the co founders want to do this, then that’s what they’re going to do. And, and there’s nothing wrong with having that.

[00:10:37] Many people have many visions. Whether it’s successful or not, that’s a totally different issue, but that’s not wrong to have a vision. I mean, businesses fail. Ideas fail. Groups fail. Any, you know, failure is not I mean, we want things to succeed, but, but if it fails, that’s not that anything was wrong. It just failed.

[00:10:55] So yeah, I mean, it was a really great thing to hear. Really great to reinforce. what the plan is. But in the short term, and a lot of it unfortunately is, hey, what’s now, is that it was stated that there is no immediate solution. This is how the Solana blockchain works currently. There could be changes from the blockchain side.

[00:11:13] It could be changes from Star Atlas side. So there are solutions, but they could still be years away. Not to end on a kind of whatever, but I mean, that is, I think, part of the problem that it’s, it’s, it’s always years away and we’ve been, I’ve been in this for how many years. So but again, this is really only reflecting on how to make the blockchain better.

[00:11:38] And that being transactions on blockchain succeeding and the cost to do those transactions. So again, even though. the whole game, the metaverse, the ecosystem is years away from fully realizing their grand or their original vision that part still makes sense. The individual Solana issues is maybe an unfortunate thing because, again, supposed to be good, but growing pains.

[00:12:05] So anyways but again, I think that’s just part of the reality of building something to the scope. And again, I’ve said this many times on the podcast time can be compressed with more resources, i. e. employees, humans, but those resources require time and to get more money or sorry, time, which means money to get more money.

[00:12:22] You need more people. I mean, again, it’s, it’s a self spiral, whatever type of thing. So And again, my personal game philosophy is I’m okay with time because it’s fine. You know, it takes a long time to craft a ship. So be it. So anyways, I guess the end is there isn’t a clear cut path, but. What I think, and I’m going to say it, whatever the community thinks is kind of irrelevant.

[00:12:46] It’s what the team wants to do because they’re the ones building it. And I know the promise of the Dow is there, but again they have a vision. They founded the company. They’re going to move forward in the direction they want to go. We can choose to go along with that. We are welcome to give our opinion.

[00:13:01] It may be taken to me, not be, but it’s sort of where we’re at. So again, a little, still disappointing when the word years comes up, but. It is a big undertaking and so it makes a lot of sense. So anyways the last thing on the UE five showroom, I was I was going to play it last week once I got my computer rebuilt ran out of time, so I was going to do it this week, but then I heard on the Atlas Brew they did mention the bugs, specifically the wallet bug that allows you not to get your current wallet in, and they said they will probably come up with a fix soon.

[00:13:30] So, I decided I’m just going to wait and then because why go through the hassle when everybody knows there’s a bug in kind of that initial getting back into it because connecting your wallet. So, however, I did realize something. I have the feeling this is what I did last time that came out and never got back to it.

[00:13:47] So I’m going to try my hardest, but don’t feel like messing with it when I know there’s a new hotfix type of thing for this issue coming out. So we’ll see. But that’s what I’m gonna do. So. Moving on to the last section, which is sort of my journey. Still been transporting all my carbon back to the, from the STARBASE back to the CSS.

[00:14:08] It does feel like it’s taking forever. Now I am sub warping to keep the fuel cost down. So, obviously it’s taking longer, but if you’re mining and you’re never using fuel, and it just basically how much rate of mining and, Unload and reload and mine again. Obviously this is load, wait, I don’t even know how long it takes to go between the two.

[00:14:27] So yeah, definitely, definitely slow. I actually realized it was going through fuel. It seemed to jump faster, but I don’t, I have to go back to my notes and see where I started. So I actually had to craft some of the hydrogen I had mined originally, kind of in preparation for this. So that worked out pretty good.

[00:14:43] And so now I don’t feel like I’m going to run out, though I’m getting pretty close to needing some more soil for the fees. So anyways, we’ll just keep doing that. Because, again, I haven’t had any time to research the local market option. I’ve seen if I could just sell the carbon there and not, you know, Pay, basically, whatever cost, well, let me see if I remember correctly, so I have to figure out the cost of the fuel to move back and forth, then take that fuel cost convert it into something comparable, I guess we’ll call it probably Atlas, and then see how much Atlas I can get from just selling the carbon, assuming anybody wants to buy the carbon at that place, so still I think a valid thing to research, but because I don’t have any time, I’ll just keep moving my own carbon.

[00:15:23] So we’ll see, but again, you know, still doing it. Anyways, so that’s pretty much it. Thanks for listening. And again still looking, well, I had my first guest, so I should, or first guest in a while. So I should at least acknowledge that, but again, still interested in anybody else who’d like to get on and chat again could be about the week in review.

[00:15:40] It could be about your thing you’re doing in start Atlas. If you’re a builder or a creator, obviously love to talk to any team members again, Topics would be kind of beginner’s type stuff. So anyways, and then please do check out my merch store, intergalacticgear. com, open for business. You can buy a mug soon.

[00:15:56] There might be some posters and I do have a merch survey there. So I’d love to get any feedback of things you might be interested in. And again, if you want to hang out with other gamers, trying to put together my own community of people that aren’t in guilds it’s at intergalactic coalition.

[00:16:09] com, please take a look at that. Otherwise, thanks for listening. Hope you have a great week ahead. This is Matt with the Intergalactic Herald.

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