In this episode, we recap the latest news of Star Atlas from the past week.
We are looking for guests to be on our podcast. The podcast is a discussion of the past week’s news about Star Atlas. If you are interested in being on the podcast, please contact us.
We are launching a Star Atlas merch store. Please check it out at Intergalactic Gear.
We are creating a “non-guild” guild. If you are interested in learning more, please go to Intergalactic Coalition.
If you would like to support our efforts, donations can be sent to intergalacticherald.sol
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Podcast Transcript
[00:00:00] Hi, this is Matt with Intergalactic Herald. Welcome to my startless week in review podcast. This is podcast, podcast number 88. Any articles or videos mentioned can be found on my website at intergalacticherald. com. Just look for a news recap number 137. So before I get started, just a quick summary of things that we go over.
[00:00:19] Actually, not a lot of information, but we’ll talk a little bit about the Star Atlas release schedule, a little bit of updates on the Surge product, and the announcement of the Golden Carnival. And then I’ll do my kind of two little analysis section, or I guess one analysis section, kind of the state of Star Atlas, and then I’ll kind of give you an update on kind of my journey playing Star Atlas.
[00:00:39] But before I get to that, just a couple of my Star Atlas projects I wanted to mention. One is merch store. It’s at intergalacticgear. com. also called Intergalactic Gear. So far just have some mugs available. Hope to add some more products, but yeah, just time you know, hard to just find the time to go through and create products and write good descriptions and images and all that kind of stuff.
[00:01:03] But anyways but if you’re interested in any Star Atlas branded mugs both I guess have Star Atlas logo, faction logos And in four different types can’t remember now it’s been a month or so, but anyways, I think there’s like normal kind of. They call it ceramic mugs? Can’t remember. But then there’s a, there’s a, another one that’s made out of metal.
[00:01:22] Ah, I don’t know. See? Terrible sales pitch there. But anyways, please check it out at intergalacticgear. com. Also do have a merch survey there, so I am slowly, obviously trying to put more products in there, but I’d love to know products you might find interested in buying. And then the other thing that I’m even slower working on, but just again, there’s only so much time in the day for your Kind of sub projects or sub sub things hobbies, whatever is a community for Star Atlas gamers who don’t want to join a guild, but yet never once want to hang out with Star Atlas other Star Atlas gamers.
[00:01:52] It’s at intergalactic coalition. And that’s intergalacticcoalition. com. So far I just have an interest survey. The community doesn’t exist yet. I’m still trying to make sure that there are people who want to participate in this. If you go there, there is an interest survey you can figure out, and you can learn a little more about this.
[00:02:08] The idea there. But basically it’s a community for star out gamers, like I said, that don’t wanna join guilds, but also looking for a different kind of a way to communicate with people that isn’t sort of the chat based thing, much more about threads and you get email alerts and things like that.
[00:02:22] So anyways, check it out. Intergalactic Okay, let’s go ahead and get into the bulk, or I shouldn’t say the content section. There’s not a bulk, there’s not a lot of content. Again kind of seems to be a, ongoing thing of sort of some quiet in the Star Wars community though. I’ll end with at least one announcement of a new thing That’s coming.
[00:02:40] But before I get to that if you’ve listened before, you know, I’m kind of do a weekend review So some of this stuff happened last weekend just because I usually try to record this on Saturday mornings So I’m kind of again times but again, you want news, there’s other places to get that. Or you can again just subscribe to the people that I put in my newsletter and then you get notified of course if they come out with a new video or something like that.
[00:03:02] So on the Metaverse Nomads, they did actually have a discussion about the Release schedule for Star Atlas products, or I guess I should say the lack of a release schedule. And it was actually a great conversation. Some of it I had heard in other veins, but since they mentioned it publicly, I couldn’t comment on it, so.
[00:03:20] I did actually think they had some great suggestions because again, there’s been some as is again, if you’ve been around Star Atlas for a while, there’s, there’s a lot of it. We, we know the team doesn’t want to put dates on things, which is, Perfectly fine. I’ve talked about that before.
[00:03:32] Sometimes they put dates and then they don’t make them. And I don’t know why they put a date if they didn’t make them. So but, I guess the most recent one was sort of maybe some hey, I thought things were coming and they’re not. Or just again, we heard one thing but it wasn’t actually what the team meant to said.
[00:03:48] And in fairness, nothing was Announced. Nothing was said. So for example, a very public event like the break point, no dates were given. In fact, there were some jokes about things that were definitely not coming this year. So but I think there was a good suggestion made about maybe having a common place where they keep product updates.
[00:04:06] And I know there is a product not a roadmap, I guess a pro, you know, maybe there’s a roadmap, but anyways, and again, I haven’t looked at it, but probably because it doesn’t feel like it changes. So if it’s not being actively updated, it’s just the moment in time. But I think the point was that, yeah, there’s some stuff that’s mentioned in the starless discord announcements, but it seems like we have a product roadmap.
[00:04:27] We’ve had a notion website before that was sort of a roadmap. It does, I guess I concur. It would be nice if there’s just some place of things that the team, they don’t have to put dates on it, but say, hey, this is what we’re working on. Because that does, I think, and again, it was mentioned on Metaverse Nomads, does lead to confusion about where we’re at, because you don’t know if somebody’s working on it.
[00:04:49] Saying something, or if it’s a joke, or, or whatever when you read something in the Star Atlas Discord. So yeah, I do do it. But another great thing I think was mentioned was, what it, why can’t there just be a monthly update? Not, doesn’t have to be once a a, the point was that there is a economic update once a month and we get some information.
[00:05:08] The Atlas Brews, though, do provide information, do feel more like just kind of community. get together and hang out. Yeah, why not just have a monthly update from the team? And again, it doesn’t have to be a product release. It could just be a status report. Hey, we’re doing this, and this is where we’re moving forward.
[00:05:25] And I think, and again, I’m not sure if it was mentioned there, or if this was just my idea, so I can’t claim. Either way, but I think that would go a long way to just, Hey, here’s what we’re working on. Here’s what we’re willing to say or is getting closer. And partly, and I’ve mentioned in past, you know, and say, Hey, you know, it’s right around the corner or it’s soon.
[00:05:43] And are my definition as soon as obviously not. Somebody else’s definition is soon. So I think just, you know, not saying soon, but just saying, here’s what we’re doing could go a long way toward at least knowing, Hey, where we’re at. So I think that was some great was mentioned on the Metaverse Nomads really spoke to me.
[00:06:01] So I just wanted to bring it up here on my podcast too. The next thing was there was an Atlas brew as there always is. So kind of a community that this one they really just strictly talked about the upcoming Sage. Or, excuse me, Surge product, which is the third person shooter in the Unreal Engine showroom.
[00:06:21] But we’ll just call it the Unreal Engine game. That was similar to what was done for the network test wow, was it last summer? Can’t, no. I don’t know. I need almost a product roadmap. Anyways so they were just talking about different ideas and wanting to actually solicit community opinion.
[00:06:39] And one of the cool things that came out of that was the creation of some dedicated channels within the discord about the individual projects, prod decks. So there’s now a surge channel and there’s a sage channel. So I think actually it’s really good to kind of split those up and give people a chance to communicate directly about those.
[00:06:56] So yeah, anyway, so if you’re interested in some kind of projects, Early, early parts to that definitely go check out that Atlas Brew. Link to that is in my weekly newsletter. Again, News Recap number 137, which you can find on intergalacticherald. com. Thanks to Star Atlas TV for recording that.
[00:07:13] So, and then late. Well, I shouldn’t say late. Yesterday, which was November 1st, there was an announcement in the Star Atlas Discord that had a corresponding Medium article that the Golden Carnival that had been talked about coming up has been officially announced and is live. And so there’s a lot of details there.
[00:07:33] I’m sure some of the content creators will create videos for that, so they’ll probably do a way better job. But basically, it’s the Golden Tickets, if you’ve been around since last year. Starting again, and the idea is that you mine, or you get some resources, well anyways, the key is to get a golden ticket, you can either buy it on the marketplace, or you can create yourself out of raw materials that you can either buy on the marketplace and craft, or you can mine for yourself within Sage, and then craft, and turn in golden tickets.
[00:08:03] The golden tickets will go into a, I think it’s weekly? Yeah, weekly raffle and then with prizes being different style of ships which again apparently are going to be matched to specific manufacturers per week, and it’s a four month thing, so November, December, January, February, once a week. They’re gonna have a What do you call it, a live stream?
[00:08:28] of the drawing? Not sure. Anyways, you can read the Medium article to get all the details. So, anyways, so that was something they mentioned was coming and now it’s here. So we’ll see if anything similar to the past or if it’s just like the past. I guess I’m not totally interested in mining resources.
[00:08:45] I’m not getting into what I’m doing now just because I have another goal, but maybe buying a few tickets on the marketplace and just throwing in for fun. I think if I remember correctly, I did that for every one of them, but there wasn’t that many the first go around. 16 sounds like a lot, but I don’t know.
[00:09:00] We’ll see. I guess we’ll see what the price of a Golden Ticket 2004 version is. So anyway, so that was pretty much it other than that, which again, I shouldn’t say there was nothing from the Strauss team, because that’s a big thing and something they had been talking about releasing for a couple months, so.
[00:09:15] So moving into my kind of internal segments, one on the state of star Atlas, I just, I’ll go into a little more about the kind of release schedule that are now definitely my own thoughts is
[00:09:26] it is getting on the release schedule that who knows anymore. And again, I don’t mean that to be Condescending or negative, but it is to the point where whatever I thought, however, I got information, i. e. foundation room, definitely. Seemed to be in line more with what the community thought too, and definitely that wasn’t the case as mentioned by the Metaverse Nomads.
[00:09:50] Ah, see, they said it, I didn’t. But I am kind of at this point now, and maybe this is just the kind of final straw to just really just stop paying attention. And it’s funny because we knew the Golden Carnival Golden Tickets were coming, but I have to admit, they came and they were live, and there was no like, hey, we’re gonna have something in the end of the week, or, I mean, again, it was, Here we are, we’re done.
[00:10:12] So again, might have just been in hindsight obvious they would do it on the first of the month, but doesn’t mean it was, but you could have announced that a couple weeks ago. Again, so, I think we’re getting to the point in the development cycle that there is lots of moving pieces. The team is definitely, as we saw from different things that came out at the break point presentation and the conference that was there, the summit, they’re doing lots of things.
[00:10:41] And we saw lots of pieces together and Even if we see something like, I, I do remember the video where they were kind of having like a single player mission where you were talking to an NPC and then going on a thing, I mean, that looked really, really polished and like, wow, it looks like we could do something.
[00:10:58] But again, I don’t even know what else is needed. I mean, do you need a player creation? I mean, there’s again, how is this a ready to go game? Even, even the gaming tournament was a version of Surge that was People were playing and somebody won and people that were there was like, wow, this looks really good.
[00:11:17] So it feels like that things are progressing really well, but that progression may not actually Relate to an actual release date. So I don’t know, I’m kind of getting with the whole release schedule. Yeah. I definitely love to know more. And I think a monthly kind of just update on where things are that is public knowledge, not, not just foundation room, but actually put out to in the Starrhouse discord, either in written form or, or just again, come on.
[00:11:46] That was, or no, actually don’t come on. That was, that was Bruce for the community, but just like the econ team’s doing, which is, Hey, here’s our update. I don’t know. I think it would be really good. And it would, would definitely continue to let everybody know, Hey, we don’t have a release date, but here’s what we’re working on and seeing that I think could go a long way to kind of keeping that momentum going.
[00:12:05] But again, I’m just a guy talking into a microphone, so don’t listen to me. The one other thing that I can’t remember exactly where it came up, but there was this idea that will a fleet rental help to, And I wish I remembered what would help about, but I wrote down the word small player. And I think it may have been in the context that, oh, once we get free lateral, that’ll be what will work out great for small players.
[00:12:27] And I have to admit, I was kind of confused because if I have a fleet and I can’t make it work. And again, what is work, you know, return on investment fund engagement, I, you know, whatever. Though, I guess if you’re doing a rental system, I don’t know why anybody would rent something for the fun of it.
[00:12:46] So it feels like, again, there’s, there’s an economic incentive for both parties. But if the small player, that’s the way for small players to get engaged and like, well, but they have to actually make something. And again, maybe the key is, well, Hey, there’s a big fleet and you can rent that. And then the small player gets a portion and the owner gets a portion.
[00:13:06] I’m like, okay, that kind of makes sense. But. What is that person going to do that an automation tool can’t do? So, I know people have been talking about, hey, we really need fleet rentals that will give us all this options, but, I don’t know, I was starting to think about it, and I’m like, I just don’t understand.
[00:13:23] Now again, I’m not a big player, I don’t have a big fleet so I don’t know, but my little fleet that’s mining stuff, which I’ll get into in a second, is totally automated, so I don’t know why I need to share proceeds, assuming I’m making anything. So, again, I’m not saying that it’s not a long term goal, it makes sense, it’s worked in other games, I just like, how’s this the savior for small players?
[00:13:45] But anyways, just, again, random thoughts on the state of Star Atlas. So, last segment. Let me just kind of give you an update on my journey, playing star Alice and what I’m doing right now. So my test of my next supply chain was successful. And basically what I wanted to figure out is if in the so again, my goal is to get enough raw materials to then craft a Mamba X, X, I’m not sure how to say it.
[00:14:10] With the idea that if they turn out not to be available, at least I have the materials still. Stockpiled. So it’s not total waste of time and side benefit. I’m feel like I’m playing something in star Atlas now. So what I did to kind of confirm my new supply chain after my original plane fuel became a bottleneck in the sense that my claim sticks didn’t keep up with my usage.
[00:14:32] So I realized, Hey, I can just make fuel as part of my supply chain. So I wanted to see what that would take. And that would also get me into the crafting. So I had a small mining fleet Mine the hydrogen at the central space station and then had some crafters turn to the fuel and was like, Oh, yeah, this is pretty straightforward.
[00:14:49] So what I’m doing now is I went through, created a spreadsheet and figured out where all the locations of all the raw materials were and I kind of organized them by distance away from the central space station. So I decided, obviously the first thing to do is just mine hydrogen at the central space station because I need a whole bunch of hydrogen.
[00:15:07] I think it was 25 million to put into different crafting trees for the Mamba X. So I’m off mining hydrogen now on this spare laptop, which I had to turn off cause it sometimes gets noisy with the fan, but I had reached, oh, where’s my checklist? Oh, I’d reached already 10 million in. I should have recorded when I actually started.
[00:15:29] Oh well, doesn’t matter, I guess, in hindsight. But anyways, so, getting close to well not halfway, but you know, moving along. Definitely consuming not a ton, but a decent amount of ammo and food. Even though fuel’s slightly getting used, I guess. I think I figured out that fuel is actually used to start a mining process.
[00:15:48] I didn’t realize that. So those are definitely going down. But what I’m really seeing going down is soul. And I think when my 0. 1 soul that I put into the wallet is gone, I think I’ll do stop at that point and record the numbers and say, well, it costs this much to get this thing and then, you know, probably restart, but guess definitely in the back of mind thinking, Hmm.
[00:16:12] What is the input in soul? But anyways Things are going well, so again if I just put more Sol in there it should be fine. I think the food and ammo that I put in, I think I put a million to start out along with fuel those will last till the 25er. It’ll be really close. So anyway, so yeah, so I’m just slowly mining the, the needed hydrogen.
[00:16:31] And like I said, I’ll do some calculations on the sole fees for my curiosity and then I’ll be able to move to the next one, which is I decided to do the next biggest one, which is, I think like 35 million and it’s a carbon. So I think that’s one star base away. So I’ll have to actually set up my supply chain, which is keep a small fleet mining hydrogen couple crew to craft that into fuel and then send out a.
[00:16:59] Mining fleet to go to the star base and it start mining copper or carbon, excuse me. And then I’ll have a transport fleet that’ll be taking out the food fuel, excuse me, not fuel. Yes. Fuel. Yeah. Sorry. I’m worked out, but I think it’s all three of them. Yeah, maybe not as much fuel as I thought. But anyways and then bring back the carbon and see if I can get that working.
[00:17:22] And then that’ll be the next big one, which I anticipate that one taking way longer because less miners transport time and things like that. But again, As I’ve said before, I’m okay with the patience game and putting time in, but again, I do have some concerns about the sole fees. I’m not so concerned about the ammo and the food because I have a feeling that my claim stakes will keep up with that.
[00:17:46] And at this point with owning the claim stakes, owning the fleet, or excuse me, the ships, owning the crew, I consider that a net positive. I mean, yes, I’ve already spent all that, but I’m not, Spending more. The SOL fees do feel like I’m spending more. Now, I guess I could sell something on the, let’s see, how would I do that?
[00:18:09] I’d have to sell something I produce to turn it into Atlas, to turn it into SOL. So, I mean, I guess, I mean maybe that’s one way I can look at it. I can sell something to get more SOL and then it’s a closed system. I don’t know. I, I gotta think about it. I, I Just as a quick tangent, I guess the thing I have about SOL is that it’s, it’s not, it’s not included in the game.
[00:18:34] And by that I mean, if we’re selling things and getting things, the transaction fees either go to Star Atlas team for development or they go into the DAO treasury. So I kind of feel like that’s a closed loop. But the SOL fees feel like just completely burned. Or sorry, I shouldn’t say burned, but completely burned.
[00:18:53] Well, I know that’s what everybody calls it, but I want to keep it in economic terms. Completely sunk cost, because there’s nothing for it. I don’t even get, you know, personal satisfaction out of it. Because that’s just the price of being on the Solana blockchain. And doing a transaction, but I can’t control those transactions.
[00:19:09] Those are part of the game. So anyways, I don’t know, I’m still trying to figure out kind of how I feel about the whole things, but that’s what I’m working on. So again, starting my lawn process to get enough materials to craft a Mamba X, starting with the easiest one, which is hydrogen at the Central Space Station.
[00:19:25] Once I get that, I’ll create my actual mining, transport, fuel, crafting, supply chain, fleet setup, and then we’ll see where that one goes as far as Cost, quote marks, of consumables of The resources and soul. Anyway, so that’s pretty much it. Kind of slow, I mean, nothing more to report because now I’m just watching and making sure the Sly Assistant isn’t crashing or the laptop doesn’t need to be rebooted or the browser didn’t crash or something like that.
[00:19:51] So, anyways that’s pretty much it. Thanks for listening. Again, I’m always interested if you want to to have a guest on the podcast. So that can either be to talk about the week in review. If you have something you’re doing within star as community, love to just have an interview, so content creators or star out as builders.
[00:20:06] And of course, always love to have someone anyone on the product or excuse me, on the start list team that wanted to talk again, kind of one of my focuses is just sort of beginning content. So again, don’t have to talk about what’s coming up, but love to talk just on general again, using that past interview I had with Jose on kind of the beginning of lore Star Atlas lore, so something like that.
[00:20:27] If, if you’re a Star Atlas team member and you’re wondering what, it would be great topics. And then finally, just to mention again if you’re interested in Star Atlas merch, please go to intergalacticgear. com. I do have some mugs for sale, and I do have a merch survey there you can fill out to help me kind of See what kind of next products and if you’re interested in a community of Stardust gamers that is not a guild but and don’t necessarily want to just hang out to chat, but are more interested in conversations with their discussions and email alerts, please go to intergalacticcoalition.
[00:20:56] com and fill out our interest survey there. Once we get enough interest I can kind of work forward to developing that community out further. So anyways thanks for listening. Hope you enjoyed it. I guess I should tell people to like and subscribe, but you probably are already doing that if you found this.
[00:21:11] Otherwise this is Matt with Intergalactic Herald. Have a great week ahead.