Podcast 87: Star Atlas Weekly Review

Star Atlas: Week in Review Podcast

In this episode, we recap the latest news of Star Atlas from the past week.

We are looking for guests to be on our podcast. The podcast is a discussion of the past week’s news about Star Atlas. If you are interested in being on the podcast, please contact us.

We are launching a Star Atlas merch store. Please check it out at Intergalactic Gear.

We are creating a “non-guild” guild. If you are interested in learning more, please go to Intergalactic Coalition.

If you would like to support our efforts, donations can be sent to intergalacticherald.sol

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Podcast Transcript

[00:00:00] Hi, this is Matt with the Intergalactic Herald. Welcome to my Star Atlas Week in Review podcast. This is podcast number 87. Any articles or videos mentioned can be found on my website at intergalacticherald. com. Please look for news recap 136. So just a quick summary of things I’ll be going over today.

[00:00:17] A little bit of content some interesting Things were mentioned on the Metaverse Nomads livestream last weekend. And there was another Atlas brew. And then I’ll do my kind of two normal segments. The state of Star Atlas and kind of my journey. Which I’ll actually have a lot more to talk about on my journey.

[00:00:33] Anyways but before I get to that, I just want to mention two of my Star Atlas projects. One is my Star Atlas merch store called Intergalactic Gear, which can be found at intergalacticgear. com. It is officially open for business. However, it is only selling mugs. But for types of mugs, anyways again, just slowly rolling out new products.

[00:00:49] But so if you’re interested in mug, please do check it out. I am shipping anywhere in the United States right now. But more if be really appreciate any of your input. If you have any ideas for merch, you’d actually like to purchase. I do have a merch survey there. And if you could fill that out, that’ll give me some great feedback.

[00:01:04] So, and appreciate everyone who’s already done that. So, and then the second thing I have is sort of my I don’t know. We’ll keep trying to figure out what to. Technically call it because started out with a non guild guild now, of course, it’s a DAC a distributed autonomous corporation But it’s really more of a community of starless gamers who don’t want to join guilds Don’t find necessarily the starless discord the best place to hang out because it’s all you know Kind of chat based and you can’t keep up with things if you’re gone for a day or two So looking to develop a community of starless gamers build upon a different kind of community platform that allows for For email notifications threaded discussions as a primary thing.

[00:01:40] So it’s not really a chat platform, more about discussions and you can kind of come and go as you want. So if that sounds interesting to you, please go to intergalactic coalition. com and fill out that interest survey there. We’ll mention this is a paid community and that’s partly to offset the cost of the software, but also to you know, Compensate me for some of my time.

[00:02:00] So anyways but again, the, the fee should be pretty minimal. So anyways, that’s intergalactic coalition. com. So let’s go ahead and get into the kind of two, or well, actually it was only two kind of content from the past week of things I thought would be interesting to go over one is metaverse nomads.

[00:02:16] Again, they do a live stream. Well, I guess it’s my time Sunday morning, but I think they’re. The three hosts are all over the world. Anyways whatever time it fits yours, wherever you are but they do record it, so you can always check it out on their YouTube channel. It’s a week ago, so I kind of forget exactly what they went over, but I wrote down three things that I thought was really interesting that I brought up.

[00:02:37] One was kind of the continuing of a theme about small players, though again, I was realizing this week we don’t really have a definition of small players, but nevertheless. small players. And that definitely the economy does need to be changed to make it more accessible for small players. And so again it was nice to hear it.

[00:02:56] Not that we haven’t heard other people mention before, but again, I think it, it bears repeating partly to set expectations for people that are interested that right now the economy in this case, the real way you interact with the economy is through Sage. I guess you can say you can interact with the economy in the marketplace, but if you’re not producing.

[00:03:16] No, actually I don’t think about that. Is a marketplace part of the economy? Of course it is, because that’s where people sell things. But, if you’re just buying, you’re not, you’re, you’re a consumer in the economy, but unless you also sell, I don’t know, ah, I’m not an economist, I don’t have a clue. But anyways, definitely want to make things more accessible to small players, so I appreciated hearing that.

[00:03:41] They also discussed some things which I’ll admit, it’s completely over my head, partly again, as I’ve said many times. I’m not an economist, so I don’t really follow it. I mean, sure, I know enough to You know, run a business, be a member of society, you know, pay my taxes, pay my utilities, buy groceries, things like that, pay for my mortgage.

[00:04:00] So I get all that, but I don’t get kind of larger economic things. But they did mention something about the law of diminishing returns as it rates to labor economies. Okay, that’s a, that’s a big mouthful. But what was very interesting was the fact that was brought up that many things within the Star Atlas economy as it currently stands don’t have a law of diminishing returns.

[00:04:26] And so again, if you want all the details, please go listen to it. Links to it is in my Star Atlas Week in Review newsletter, news recap. It’s on my website, 136intergalacticherald. com. But anyways, the point was that, and this is, I’m not sure I’m saying this all right, but this is how I interpret it is.

[00:04:43] Same as Which I am. I have my marketing agency. I’m the only person in it. So I’m a company one. So I do all the work. I do everything. So not long term plan, but that’s how it is now. But let’s say I was an owner of a marketing agency with 100 people. Well, if I was X, 1X efficient in one person marketing agency, there would be no expectation I’d be 100 efficient.

[00:05:09] Percent or a hundred X efficiency. If I had a hundred employees, because things just aren’t that easy. You’ve got to have managers and managers, just manager people. So the actual output of the labor again, these mythical hundred employees, isn’t the same now again. Probably totally didn’t get that right.

[00:05:28] Again, non economist. But the current economy is, yeah, if you have one crafter, you can do one thing. If you have a hundred crafters, it’s just a hundred X. So you do things a hundred times faster. But again, that shouldn’t be how it works. And I actually found that actually really interesting that, yeah, that’s not how the railroad works, but again, if you have a lot of things, ships, mining, crafting, whatever, it is truly a non diminishing return.

[00:05:57] So you actually get more. So I thought that was, again, very insightful. And then the final point that was brought up and again, there’s kind of a theme, but these are things I’ve been thinking about, so that’s why I’m putting there, was kind of that the the community currently in is a little.

[00:06:11] incestual. And again, I think the point wasn’t where we typically use that term, but that we’re really just doing things amongst ourselves and that the really the community needs to grow and or stop losing current members. And I thought that final point to stop losing current members was actually kind of also insightful, not just we need to grow, but have retention.

[00:06:31] And again, there’s lots of places, you know, They say, you know, in business, it’s really hard to get an employee, or excuse me, to get a client, but it’s really great to sell to that client, again, because they’re already there and they trust you and know you. And so, again, I think these that was a really good point, and they kind of all kind of fall together, you know.

[00:06:49] If the economy works for small players and people are encouraged to come in, if it’s engaging and interesting, you’re probably not going to lose members. So, again, I thought there was lots of great points that were brought up there. So, again great lesson, again, very consistent startless content creator, so you know, if you haven’t already found them definitely go check them out.

[00:07:05] Again, links in my news recap number 136. Next point was there was a startless brew again, always on Wednesday. Well, again, whatever time zone you’re in, but It’s Wednesday for me, Wednesday morning for me, and I always listen later, and I do always appreciate that Stardust TV records that, so otherwise, I just, I can’t stop in the middle of the day to listen to a gaming podcast, or a gaming community thing.

[00:07:29] But this one was great in the sense that they had the DAO Council show up. So the five elected Council members were there and it was focused on kind of an interview of them and what they’ve been working on and some of the thoughts. So I think again, that’s great. So if you want to hear more about who.

[00:07:44] Who’s on it? Well, I guess, who’s on it? Well, yeah, who’s on it, what they’re kind of thinking, what they’re kind of working on. So that was great. However, beyond that, wasn’t a lot, except there was one interesting little note at some point made that the Never Alone campaign, which has been going on for quite a while now but kind of Was de emphasized, went back with the reduction in staff they did mention that they’re definitely going to try to end that by the end of the year, and they’ve actually reduced the scope, some of the higher perks, and things like that, and they’re just going away.

[00:08:13] So it sounds like that, you know, we’ll get the, the rewards whether that was ships or crew or whatever and kind of wrap that up and move forward. you know, just wrap it up. So I appreciate getting that update. I know there’s been questions asked in the never alone channels about, you know, Where is this?

[00:08:30] And so you know, just, I guess, just wrap it up for no other reason. So, and that was pretty much it. Again, there just wasn’t much else. So but getting into kind of my thoughts on kind of the general, or I guess I shouldn’t say general state of our eyes. The date of start I was, when I’m recording this, getting something to talk about each week.

[00:08:49] So one thought I had again about the DAO Council I admit it, it sounded really great. And again, I think part of it, just for me anyways, and I’m not sure if other people feel this too, it’s just great to hear people and I appreciate that half the Council members are putting their cameras on.

[00:09:03] Again, I have no problems if you don’t want to have your camera on, if you want to stay anonymous, I, I, totally fine, absolutely no problem, but at least your audio. But it does start actually I think, developing familiarity with people. And so I think it was really great they’re doing that. They did talk about a lot of how they want to run their meetings and engage the community and things like that.

[00:09:23] So I think overall, again, listen to it. You can hear for yourself. I think they’re getting off to a great start and, and, you know, for all the, maybe things I wasn’t sure about the voting process and things like that. That’s in the past. Here’s the council members. The council was set up by the team, Star Atlas team, to help move the DAO forward.

[00:09:42] And yeah, so I think it’s a great start. Again, I want to applaud all five participants. Yeah. Groups without leaders to me are very difficult, so but it sounds like they’re doing so. But, having said that they obviously, and they mentioned it too, there’s a lot of work ahead. And you know, they’re doing this as extra work.

[00:09:59] What? Some camera, some people mentioned how much time they spent the last week. So I really applaud them for that and thank them for that. I know there’s some back and forth on where they should get paid and sounds like they’ve decided not to even bring that up, which is also great. But they do have a lot of work ahead.

[00:10:14] So but it’ll be interesting to see what comes out. Cause it, again, I does sound like they’re off to a great start. So, and beyond that, there wasn’t anything else there just, there just wasn’t. And I don’t know. Again, I was kind of wrote some of these notes or in the week. And then my thoughts on the Atlas brew when I listened to it last night.

[00:10:32] And again, just kind of drew a blank on, okay, what else? But I guess the last little point I’ll bring in, cause it does relate back to some of those things I mentioned about the Metaverse Nomads podcast is community growth. And yeah, I mean, we’re, we’re definitely stagnant. Probably by design but definitely as a result of that, there’s just no products and, you know, and, and I’ll get to in a second on what kind of my journey about Sage.

[00:10:59] But yeah, I mean, there’s just, there’s just, there’s just nothing. And again, we’re end of October coming up to the holidays, you know, North, well, sorry, not North America, United States, traditional holiday season between Thanksgiving. Thanks for tuning in. And Christmas, New Year’s, which again, I know everybody worldwide celebrates New Year’s and you know what I mean?

[00:11:19] There is a holiday period for the world coming up. I actually just realized, is that true? Yeah. New Year’s is celebrated by everybody. Anyway. Sorry. Not to get off on a religion or whatever, but anyways, definitely a slower period of time for, for the majority. How about this? For the majority of the Star Atlas employees who traditionally take a break during the winter holidays, it’s coming to that point.

[00:11:42] So, you know you know, are we going to see anything else? Are other things coming? You know, things were mentioned at the break point with like the golden tickets and, and things like that. And I can’t remember if anything was mentioned. Well, if it was mentioned in the at risk brew, it wasn’t definitive, so, hence, it doesn’t, yeah.

[00:11:59] So but again, I was just kind of thinking, again, back to that question about being accessible to small players, and not losing current members, and that, and I’ve mentioned it before, and I, I think I’ll just keep with that. I mean, there just needs to be, and again, I’m using the products, because you can’t sell Star Atlas The thing, not necessarily the only game and we don’t have names for everything yet.

[00:12:22] But yeah, things do need to be funner. And, again, that, I think, is one of the, the, the unfortunate parts of the Sage web browser. That, yeah, I mean, without automation, there’s really, I mean, I wouldn’t click. I, I’ve stopped clicking. before and been on this podcast, not going to do it. But I also realized that in that same vein, as much as automation is cool and it helps people, it’s a larger barrier to entry.

[00:12:49] So also being simpler and you know, I don’t know what form that takes. You know, again, we were told at break point, you know, something like the surge thing will become a permanent part. Obviously that to me is a lot simpler, install something, play something. So again, I think, Sorry to get off tangent, but this is really going back to that community growth.

[00:13:07] I mean, you know, things do just need to be simpler and funner, and that might help with community growth. And again, perfectly fine if the team’s not at that point, not their goal, not what they’re driving toward. I mean, again, Yeah, it just is. But again, it just kind of got me thinking about that. But anyways, moving on to mine, journey, which again, I actually have a fair amount I can talk about here.

[00:13:30] So I think I may have mentioned I was toying with the idea of I guess you want to say crafting, but I guess the technical one was redeeming, because we’re not really building the ship inside of Sage. We’re redeeming it based on materials and components. So, I went through and created a spreadsheet that broke out all the Mamba, X, E, X, whatever, I’m not sure how to say it, but things down to the raw materials, because those are the things, of course, you have to mine, and then, of course, you craft.

[00:13:56] So, wow, it was a lot. So I, I don’t think every raw material was used, but a lot were a lot of hydrogen, tons of carbon. I think if I remember, I don’t have my spreadsheet in front of me, but I think it was like 25 million hydrogen had to be mined. And then like, I don’t think it was 75 million carbon and then 5 million of the rest of the things even including, I think diamond, which is the farthest resource to find.

[00:14:22] I put all those in with the current prices to purchase all that. And It came out to be like 220 or something, which, again, for a medium ship is probably a good deal because I think the ship selling waste of time was like 340, 340 or something, so, you know, it’s there. But anyways, but I was still like, well, what if the Mombaxes run out or something like that?

[00:14:44] Because, again, I don’t know if the team has said, you know. Guaranteed they’re always going to be there. But as I mentioned in a previous podcast, I was going on the thing. They said they might add more ships. So if they’re going to add more than you would think the current ones would stay. So and the other thing I realized as I was doing that calculation that up until the crafting phase stockpiling raw materials isn’t bad.

[00:15:05] So I realized, I guess, technically the raw material should be around forever or, you know, relatively forever. So if I changed my mind or the. Momvacs disappears, I still have those things. So it was kind of good. So I decided to get back into using my laptop which is right next to me as I record this and get Sly Assistant working again and do some supply chain just with hydrogen because I hadn’t actually crafted anything before.

[00:15:30] So I started just with a simple supply chain of mining the hydrogen and then now that we can separate our ships from our crew Then had some crew just crafting it into fuel. And anyway, so I got that working. And the other thing I was trying to do was in my previous SAGE experience, I was just stockpiling different resources and going out to different bases.

[00:15:52] And of all the three consumables, food, fuel, and ammo my claim stakes could not keep up with the fuel requirements. So I realized that probably if I’m going to do this, given that the numbers are way more than what I crapped before, my original goal was a million. And like I said, there’s many things at five and a couple at.

[00:16:12] 25 and 75 million things, that fuel is probably going to become a bottleneck. So I need to actually create a independent supply chain that’s constantly mining hydrogen and crafting the fuel and just make that the thing that keeps the transport and the mining fleets fueled. So I kind of just made sure that I could figure all that out and I was able to Yeah.

[00:16:34] Anyway, so to do that, so first thing I did was move my crew into Sage and I know there was supposed to be problems with it, but it sure seemed easy enough. So I don’t know if, again, they just got things easier. Part of my problem was it seemed to go only in batches of six, but I didn’t have that many.

[00:16:50] I think 40 or 50, 70, I can’t remember. Some definitely under a hundred is all the crew I have from ships and a couple purchases. So it. Seemed to go okay, and I spread it over a few days, so that was cool. And then I got Sly Assistant working again, and tried the first crafting, and well first, I just, again, have to compliment either, well both, either Sly, Guild or groove, who is the one that most associated with the assistant.

[00:17:21] Again, it’s just awesome. I don’t think, I don’t think there would be Sage without that. And, and I, I want, I guess I say that not to diminish the team for creating all the foundational parts and the current user interface, but there is no way, and maybe the team would have built it in, in absence of a community member building it, but yeah, it’s.

[00:17:43] Yeah, I, I think a lot of credit, more credit than has actually been given needs to go to Groove and the Sly Guild for, for creating it and maintaining it with changes that occur to Sage. So again yeah, we need to, we need to find out a way to pay them. And again, maybe this is where the, the, or the DAO, DAO.

[00:18:04] Proposal ecosystem fund really needs to figure out. I don’t know how it works. I’m still trying to figure it out, but the council just mentioned some stuff. So anyways, that, that, that is a perfect place to earmark some of those treasury funds. So, but anyways, back to auto crafting. Yeah, it was it was really easy.

[00:18:19] I mean, it was actually too easy. So again, it’s just amazing that obviously everything’s been thought of. So, so late this week I decided to go ahead and start going. So I created to stop my crafters cause I had proven the proof of concept and just kept my three fleets mining hydrogen.

[00:18:37] And again, my goals, or the need, is like 25 million. I was like, oh, well, you know, who knows how long this is going to take. But, after a day or two, I’m already up to 2 million. So obviously, that seems to, I mean, it’s not compounding, but it, 24 by 7 does add up with whatever my cargo limit is, which I don’t remember off the top of my head.

[00:18:59] It doesn’t matter because that’s all the ships I have, so. Anyway, so so I’m going to let that run and get that 25 million. But then I’m, I’ll take those three fleets that I built and keep the one small one, mining hydrogen, and keep whatever crafters I have left over, or crew left over to craft that to fuel Hope, and then move over the claim stakes food and ammo, because as I’m checking right now, those aren’t being used that much.

[00:19:24] I do kind of I have a little paper note here just to, you know, if the numbers increase, then obviously things are working. So that’s my little check. And so, ammo’s barely budged down, food’s barely gone down, and, and fuel hasn’t. But again there’s no movement really just dock on dock.

[00:19:40] So, and the hydrogen’s going. So that’s great. But anyways so I’ll keep one small fleet mining hydrogen, some crew crafting it into fuel, which should just go back in there. And then I’ll take the two other fleets and turn them into a remote mining fleet. Fleet and a transport fleet, which is what I did before.

[00:19:57] So I think probably I haven’t double checked, but just given the number, probably do the carbon next, if it truly is 775 million carbon and just see how that one goes. And there now final point on this, I got a little one long winded here, but again, I’m actually a little more excited. So hence, yeah.

[00:20:17] Fees. So I didn’t realize because I haven’t crafted before that there are some crafting fees in Atlas, but when I was crafting fuel before I was. Very, very small. I put a thousand atlas in there, and I don’t think it ever got under 980 something to get a million fuel crafted, so I’m not too concerned about that.

[00:20:36] But it’s the classic one is the Solana transaction, so I’m actually monitoring that. I put in I think 0. 1 Sol and just in the three fleets mining, Yeah, I guess they’re just mining. There’s no crafting going on. There’s no movement going on. It’s disconcertingly decreasing, and I don’t have any sort of priority fees in place.

[00:21:00] So I’m going to kind of watch that. And part of this is kind of a do a little calculation because I was kind of worried that if, if this is like, like a dollar a day in Solana fees, I mean, it’s going to add up. I mean, it’s 30 bucks a month and there’s no gain nothing. I mean, I didn’t get anything for it.

[00:21:19] I didn’t. I mean, I guess I’m getting the resources, but Yeah, I don’t know. It’s it, I know people have said that for, quote, small players, but I thought, well, you know, with a, a decent number of ships, and again, I’m still trying to figure out, like, you need to have some vocabulary on this, you know, size, size based on cost of ships.

[00:21:37] I actually had an idea. Is it really based upon cargo holds? I don’t know. Does that make any sense? I don’t know. But you know, some other metric that we can kind of compare because as was mentioned, one transaction costs the same, no matter how big your fleet is. So yeah, I don’t know. I mean, I’m kind of curious now having said that if the, if the salon of fees.

[00:21:57] per day are reasonable. And again, the outcome is a medium ship. I mean, shouldn’t matter, but then again, I guess it does because like I said, I could buy that ship now. So, I mean, if doing all of this work and there is no benefit in time, you know, so again, time is a factor, doesn’t have a tangible cost, but as a tangible result.

[00:22:22] But if, I don’t know, let’s say it took four months and each month cost 30, well, I guess 120 is still cheaper than buying the ship outright. And so I guess you could say, okay, well, there’s how you made your money. So I mean, I guess that’s fine. I just, I don’t know. I guess I still feel like it’s a tax that’s not necessary.

[00:22:43] Cause I guess like the Atlas taxes or fees go to the, the Dow Treasury, if I remember how that works. So again, I guess it’s sort of like, well, yeah, but that’s still contributing to the community where the Solana fees are just, I don’t know, I don’t know how to describe it. Cause I mean, traditional taxes.

[00:23:05] Yeah, I don’t know. I just, I’m just, I mean, you could just say it’s a cost of doing business, but I don’t know. I need to think more about it. It’s just, it becomes so more Let’s see where to say when you do a single transaction like when I continue to keep my stuff in faction fleets at least my three or small and medium ships There’s our four in there, whatever whatever ships are in there that are actually gaining enough Atlas to make it feel like hey That’s something One a couple clicks a day I guess I don’t even have to click twice.

[00:23:36] Yeah, I only do it once a day. So let’s say there’s four You four clicks to resupply. And I guess I should look at the Solana there, but I mean, that’s where you feel like, ah, who cares? But obviously when you’re doing stuff in Sage, they just add up because there’s so much more actions. So I don’t know.

[00:23:55] I, you know, I have mixed feelings about paying for Solana fees. So but again, I’ll do the, the numbers and kind of see what comes out and maybe it’s okay to factor it in. But anyways, I’ve gone off on too many changes. Thanks for listening to all that. To summarize though, actually it’s kind of fun. But I guess I’ll leave on this note.

[00:24:13] Fun for someone who has been doing it as long as I have. As, you know, creating a lot of my beginner videos and adding the Sage videos to my true crypto beginner ones. To get to this point, plus investing the amount of ships I have, Yeah, the barrier to entry is, I mean, well, and I’ve, I think I’ve said this before, I mean, I’ve tried to get my son interested in, in this part, just does not do it, but Serge did.

[00:24:40] So anyways, we’ll just kind of see how things go. But anyways, that’s my update on my journey, kind of a status star, all those things that are going on. So just wrap it up now. So again interested on podcast guests. So again, they could be anybody who just wants to chat about the week in review.

[00:24:53] Hey, tell me how you’re playing star Atlas. Definitely open to any other content creators who want to come on any other, the start list builders that are out there. And obviously any of the team members who’d want to talk again Just so you know, I’m just looking for any team members interested in helping with beginners and kind of basics and things like that.

[00:25:10] So hopefully nothing too serious or future looking, but just sort of, you know, or, or just, you know, thoughts, history of Star Atlas, you know, your perspective on things. Obviously those would, I think would be great to the community. And then if you want to. To buy any Star Atlas mugs, please go to intergalacticgear.

[00:25:26] com and you can purchase a mug there while you’re there or don’t want to purchase a mug, please fill out the merch survey. Again, intergalacticgear. com. And lastly, if you’re interested in hanging out with a bunch of Star Atlas gamers who aren’t members of guilds, who want to kind of have a more asynchronous laid back discussion community form, whatever you want to call it please check out intergalacticcoalition.

[00:25:45] com and fill out the interest survey there. Other than that, thanks for listening. Like and subscribe. I guess I’m supposed to say that. But otherwise, just have a great week ahead. This is Matt with the Intergalactic Herald.

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