Podcast 81: Star Atlas Weekly Review

Star Atlas: Week in Review Podcast

In this episode, we recap the latest news of Star Atlas from the past week.

We are looking for guests to be on our podcast. The podcast is a discussion of the past week’s news about Star Atlas. If you are interested in being on the podcast, please contact us.

We are launching a Star Atlas merch store. Please check it out at Intergalactic Gear.

We are creating a “non-guild” guild. If you are interested in learning more, please go to Intergalactic Coalition.

If you would like to support our efforts, donations can be sent to intergalacticherald.sol

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Podcast Transcript

[00:00:00] Hi, this is Matt with Intergalactic Herald. Welcome to my Star Atlas Week in Review podcast. This is podcast number 81. Any articles or videos mentioned here can be found on my website at intergalacticherald. com. Look for news recap number 130. Before I get into kind of the summary of the News I’ll be going over.

[00:00:18] I do want to just kind of mention real quick you may be listening to this podcast later than normal if you’re not, or don’t know that, don’t worry about it but I do apologize. I had some family issues followed by family commitments, followed by business commitments that just did not allow me to be able to Review all the different start outs news from the last week, record the podcast and edit it.

[00:00:38] So a little bit late, but I thought I still try to get one out cause I wrote down things. So anyway, so if you were wondering where it was yeah, just other, other things became more important and I couldn’t get to it. It done on my typical schedule over the weekend. So moving on from that just let you know kind of things to talk about.

[00:00:57] The Atlas brew this last week had a few different informational things. So I’ll go over that and that was pretty much it for content. So I’ll just do a little bit on some of my thoughts on the state of star Atlas. And ever so briefly on my journey before I get into that, do you have my two Star Atlas projects I want to mention?

[00:01:14] One is my Star Atlas merch store. It’s called Intergalactic Gear and go to intergalacticgear. com. It is officially open for business. However, it’s only selling Star Atlas mugs. And I guess, I guess I have a couple of faction mugs, but anyways, they’re mugs, four different types. But if you’re interested in a mug and you’re in the United States, unfortunately I do not have my configuration yet for other countries.

[00:01:35] Down the road you can take that check, take a look at that at intergalacticgear. com. But regardless, if you want to check it out, I’d love to, to fill out a merch survey out there to help me get some feedback on different kinds of items that I can add to the store. It would admit slowly add to the store, but you know.

[00:01:50] Got a lot of things going on. And then the second one is I am interested in other Star Atlas gamers specific people not joining guilds would like to get together kind of to have our own community. Calling it the Intergalactic Coalition. You can think of it as a non guild guild. It is an officially registered DAC in the Star Atlas system.

[00:02:10] So You know, again, what are they distributed autonomous corporations in star Atlas words. Anyways basic it’s a place for people who aren’t going to join a guild, but nevertheless don’t kind of find this in the mainstay star Atlas discord that interesting. This will be much more about asynchronous conversation.

[00:02:27] So it’s not about chat. It’s more about replying back and forth to threads. If you like a thread, you can subscribe to an email and they’ll send you a notification when things change. So you can kind of come and go as, as your schedule fits. Hence why I have things going on and I’m sure you do too. So anyways, I do have an interest survey there.

[00:02:46] I will mention this will be a paid community. Part of that cost will offset the cost of the software. This is not discord. So it, it does well, it costs money to host and send email and other things like that. So if you go to intergalactic coalition. com, again, there’s an interest survey there. Please feel that out if this is something you might find interesting.

[00:03:04] So let’s go ahead and get into the main content section. Like I kind of mentioned there wasn’t really that much this week. The the main one was the Star Atlas Beru that came on the traditional Wednesday. So they went through actually a number of different things partly getting ready for the upcoming Breakpoint Solana conference, which actually now I think about as I’m recording this on a, Tuesday afternoon, Pacific time in the United States.

[00:03:27] I don’t know when in Singapore that is, but it’s probably potentially already starting or will be starting shortly. Maybe, I don’t remember what day it is. It doesn’t really matter. So they mentioned that and went over the schedule for it, which they were more focused on their one day, I think it’s called the summit.

[00:03:43] Which Impact Summit, Summit? I don’t remember. The one day that started out as just kind of having their own mini conference there and all the different talks that are being given. The cool thing about it was, again, they did say this will be live streamed, but they mentioned about the time zones, but they said they’d be recording it, and I think it was on their YouTube channel.

[00:04:00] So, hopefully next week, assuming I don’t have any time. And could get through some of those or listen to other content creators. It sounds like there will be lots of interesting talks about lots of different aspects of Star Atlas. I would assume that a lot of new information is given. So it should be a very, very information packed conference that they will be sharing with the community.

[00:04:22] So but that was actually at the end, at the beginning, they were first talking that the council voting has started as of last Saturday. I can’t remember if it’s just, I think it’s just one week for this kind of first round. So they also mentioned for the upcoming hackathon, the NABathon, there were 34 submissions.

[00:04:39] So that’s pretty cool. I think they mentioned before, most of them might’ve been already previous community members, but nevertheless, 34 is a, is a great number of participants regardless of the source. And so I think that was really good. A really interesting, it’ll be interesting to see what was created and of course, who wins the awards and I would assume after.

[00:04:58] Actually, hey, that’s a good point. I mean When do they release their things? I don’t know. I guess I thought about that. I mean, it could be a live thing or it doesn’t matter. We’ll find out more after at the break point conference. They also mentioned cause on Wednesday, this was, I think the day before the new part of the, how to use your crew cards in Sage was going to go live.

[00:05:19] So Basically, the current software can’t handle crew because it was designed before they existed. So Star Atlas was going to bring all your take all your fleets, disband them automatically, bring all your ships back to the Central Space Station. So basically, and then redo the software so that then crew can be added so that ships and crew can actually be joined together into the fleets.

[00:05:40] So given the timeframe and my just reading through the announcements in the Star Atlas Discord, I had to just Mark has read the entire thing. I was just days and days behind, so there was no way to read, and I didn’t have time. So it sounds like it happened. A few bugs, but then those bugs were fixed.

[00:06:00] So given that there weren’t any new comments in the announcement channels in the discord, I assume all the bugs have been fixed and now ships and crews in sages functioning. So I guess we’ll wait and see if I am guessing by the lack of announcements. And then the final thing they mentioned and introduced and the person was apparently a new marketing employee.

[00:06:24] Not sure if they mentioned her title. Maybe they did, but definitely a marketing person was on the brew gave a quick little introduction and I guess, I guess we’d say briefly talked about marketing. Michael Wagner, CEO was there too. And he kind of mentioned again that this effort I think she was hired.

[00:06:41] I think over a month ago, actually. But this is the first announcement and, and speaking at an event that this is sort of building to the idea that again, they need to do more traditional marketing to bring in more mainstream audiences outside the crypto and, and. What is it? Crypto Twitter space. So again, I think that’s a great development.

[00:07:02] I know I’m a little biased because I’m a marketing person on my own digital marketing agency. So you know, I’m passionate for marketing concepts though. My marketing is helping small businesses, not large gaming companies market to the entire world. So, but nevertheless, I think it shows that the team has definitely weathered all the layoffs and survived.

[00:07:22] And we don’t talk about cashflow anymore or runway or whatever, and that they’re adding more key pieces into key traditional departments within a business. So a marketing employee is, is never going to be. Not a good move forward for, for a business to have marketing because I want businesses to hire me to do their marketing.

[00:07:43] So anyways, so that was pretty much it. So in some sense, it was a very full Atlas brew, but a lot of different topics and definitely a lot of not even teasing this time, but just saying, Hey, wait till the break point summit. Thing coming and all the information’s there. So, anyways, that was pretty much it.

[00:07:59] So I’ll move on to kind of my state of Star Atlas and actually there wasn’t that many content creators posting things. AFIA did their weekly newsletter, Metaverse Numads did their weekly live stream, and I’m not saying they weren’t interesting, but they didn’t trigger a bullet point for me to talk about.

[00:08:16] But Did have a couple of things. One met beyond the horizon, did a video on crew aptitudes. And I think it was a great video. It was, it was both synth, synthesizing what’s out there and kind of his thoughts on the future. So I really, I mean, I like that. But I have to admit, I was kind of confused, not with his video, but with the concept of crew and aptitudes and.

[00:08:38] and Sage, because in the short term it only sounds like crew, well, I mean they put the crew in for This thing, but again, I don’t think aptitude is right to it. So part of it is just confusion about when we’ll ever see aptitudes. And again, I would assume, hopefully we’ll hear something at the upcoming conference, but part of it more was fleet command and the idea that Sage, the web browser is going away and fleet command, some sort of version of the game inside of Unreal engines coming.

[00:09:09] So I. I, and they did say that future features will come to both products, but it kind of felt like, well, let’s say hypothetically, we’re going to have combat and you’re going to build it. Well, once you just build it for the new fleet command, why would you ever build it for the old web browser? Knowing you’re for sure going to get rid of the web browser.

[00:09:30] So anyways, where I’m going with all this is that the video from beyond horizon was talking about aptitude specific rated a sage. Well, Sage is going away. Now, one benefit of recording this video a little later, I commented on Beyond the Horizons video, and he actually brought up a point that I did not maybe put two and two together, and I think it’s very valid, which is Fleet Command could be Sage.

[00:09:55] What does that actually mean? And again, this is, I think, just part of the problem that the product roadmap for Star Atlas is always a moving target, but Sage is not necessarily the web browser that’s labs. And maybe star based. I’m not sure. But anyways, Sage which I forget what it stands for, but anyways, is more of a product type or product concept.

[00:10:15] So it could be implemented in a web browser or it could be implemented in fleet, sorry, in Unreal Engine as fleet command. And that was kind of a light bulb moment. So, Aptitudes that could exist within Sage and aptitudes that could Aptitudes that can exist within unreal engine. Nope. Not going to say it that way.

[00:10:34] Aptitudes that can re can exist within the showroom could. Both still occur in the future. Okay. I really mangled that we use in our unreal engine a little interchangeably. So again, it would be nice if we, we as a community had better terms. And I got even into something with somebody said, well, star based is star sage labs.

[00:10:59] And I’m like, okay, fine. I don’t, everybody calls it star base, but anyway, so I think we’re in this kind of weird, Flux of, of product types and game styles. So what I’m interpreting beyond the risings comment was in the future, there will be a, a immersive. First person slash third person view of your character, of your crew, and your ship.

[00:11:28] And that will be the extension of what we currently have, which is the showroom, where you can see your ship, you can get into your ship, you can look around your ship, and, or, you can get into your character and do something with your character. The Surge gameplay is probably the thing. So, whatever that thingy is.

[00:11:46] That’s not Sage. Sage is a top down look from a strategic point of view, maybe real time strategy, whatever, but it’s changing how it’s presented from a web browser to Unreal Engine. So I think those two are the differences and Fleet Command is just a part of the Sage. So assuming all that’s correct, and true, then it’s fine.

[00:12:17] In other words, aptitudes will eventually be coming to stage and aptitudes will eventually come into the showroom, regardless of the game engine they’re using. So at the end, though, we’ll see and have to wait and see. However, as of right now, and beyond the rise of mention this too, there is no way to ever up your crew because we don’t have a mobile app.

[00:12:37] So kind of crew aptitudes to me again are like in the future. And unfortunately in the future is who knows. So A Again. I, I guess at the end of the day, now that we’re a few weeks out from the crew launch and the Unop and all that, it does seem that crew and definitely aptitudes are kind of more like ships.

[00:13:01] Were at the beginning, which again, I wasn’t really at the first, what is it? The posters and then the actual gal, global asset offering when the first ships came on the market and they were for sale. I’m kind of thinking if we look at both those, they’re pretty much the same, that something happened. They came out, you can buy them, but really the amount, what you could do with them was pretty limited.

[00:13:24] And so, yes, you can trade crew on Tensor. You can put your crew into Sage Lab, Starbase, but in reality, that’s pretty much it. So I guess at the end, this is all kind of something for the distant future, which will probably change from what we’ve been presently told. Again, looking at ships as the example, it’s, we’d be.

[00:13:46] Shocking to see if crew has that same thing. And only the reason I bring this up is because the mobile app had been talked about all year long and it of course doesn’t exist too. So again, the breakpoint conference sent a summit. Conference, whatever you’re calling it, Star Atlas this thing may change all this, kind of a new roadmap, new prioritization, things like that.

[00:14:05] So again, all this in a week could be moot because we get the next thing, which is fine, but past, present being similar to the past. Crew aptitudes, interesting, but again, we barely have crew, who knows when we’re going to get aptitudes. So, we’ll see. Moving on, next topic, cancel voting. So, I’ve mentioned this in the last couple things and it was kind of reconfirmed at the Atlas Brew that because the voting started and it was mentioned, hey, go out and spend your PVP, that yeah voting is dependent upon your PVP.

[00:14:36] So, again, maybe I’m being a little too whatever, but if it truly is your PVP polis voting power The whales will just vote themselves in. So, and again, it’s not that they’re gaming the system. It’s, it’s not based on single vote for single person. It’s based on your PVP. And if you have a lot of polls and you’ve locked it for a long time, you have a lot of polls voting power and you also nominated yourself because it was self nominations.

[00:15:04] I would be shocked that you don’t vote for yourself. I mean, there’s something that just you’re voting for yourself. So I’ll be interested to see the results, but. As far as from a small gamer, and I guess I continue to think of myself as a small gamer, even though I have a few ships and a few crew I don’t feel like I have any voice in this election.

[00:15:25] So whatever. Again, that is very cynical, but That to me is what it seems like. And again, this may be how it’s set up. It’s maybe how DAOs work. Whether you have PVP or not, you still have to own Polis. That makes perfect sense in a governance token. But if it’s dependent upon the amount of Polis you hold one way or another, then if you hold a lot of polls, you have a lot of power.

[00:15:49] So there it is. So again, I think it will be interesting to see they kind of talked about maybe there’ll be debates after the conference because I think when the second voting occurs, that might be kind of interesting. But again, it’s, it’s just really hard to get in much interested in this one. It really Well, you really don’t have much input if you don’t have a lot of Apollo.

[00:16:10] So anyways, not to be a downer, but again I want to play a game and fly my ship around and I’m not really interested in the political aspects of a video game. Now, I’m glad it’s there, just not interested. So, and, oh, I think I already mentioned that, yeah, the crew in Sage happened, and there were a few bugs, and they worked it out.

[00:16:27] So that’s pretty much on my kind of thoughts of the last week on the State of Star Atlas. My journey not shockingly, since I had all these unexpected things come up, I did nothing. Absolutely nothing. And I haven’t done anything this week and don’t think I will. Anyways, with all the things. So I’ll leave it at that.

[00:16:44] So again, thanks for listening. Always open for if anybody’s interested in being a podcast guest it could be a community member, it could be other content creator. It could be a startless builder. Yeah. team members, obviously always welcome to that. So please go to intergalacticherald. com, go to my contact page and just fill out a form there.

[00:17:01] And then just again self promotion if you’re interested in any Star Atlas mugs or future merch, please, Star Atlas merch, please go to intergalacticgear. com. You can buy a mug or you can fill out my merch survey. And if you want to hang out with me and other Star Atlas gamers, go Who are not joining guilds and don’t want to hang out on the star house discord, but nevertheless want to come and go and maybe engage in some threaded discussions about star house, please go to intergalactic coalition.

[00:17:27] com and fill out the interest survey. So that’s pretty much it for half a week or whatever it is. When you listen to this this is Matt with intergalactic Herald. Have a great weekend.

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