Podcast 77: Star Atlas Weekly Review

Star Atlas: Week in Review Podcast

In this episode, we recap the latest news of Star Atlas from the past week.

We are looking for guests to be on our podcast. The podcast is a discussion of the past week’s news about Star Atlas. If you are interested in being on the podcast, please contact us.

We are launching a Star Atlas merch store. Please check it out at Intergalactic Gear.

We are creating a “non-guild” guild. If you are interested in learning more, please go to Intergalactic Coalition.

If you would like to support our efforts, donations can be sent to intergalacticherald.sol

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Podcast Transcript

[00:00:00] Hi, this is Matt with Intergalactic Herald. Welcome to my Star Atlas Week in Review podcast. This is podcast number 77. Any articles or videos mentioned can be found on my website at intergalacticherald. com. Please look for news recap 126. So just a quick. summary of things we’ll go over. A couple content things.

[00:00:22] Metaverse Nomads had their weekly live stream. Atlas Brew had their weekly community event. And then just a few videos from the, a couple different content creators. And then I’ll go over my kind of thoughts on the state of Star Atlas the past week and my journey playing Star Atlas. Before I get started, just a couple Updates on some projects I’m working on.

[00:00:43] One, I do have a Star Atlas merch store called Intergalactic Gear. You can find that at intergalacticgear. com. It is officially open for business. So far only selling one product line, which is some mugs. I think I have four different styles with a few different logos on them Star Atlas logo and the faction logos.

[00:01:00] So if you’re interested in getting a different type of mug for your collection at home, please go to intergalacticgear. com. If you’re not interested in purchasing anything yet, I merch survey that you can fill out that’ll help me get some ideas for additional merch to put on the website. Also, I have I guess I keep trying to change what it is.

[00:01:19] It started out as a non guild guild, but now it’s more of just a gamer community called Intergalactic Coalition. It is a Star Atlas DAC, so a distributed autonomous corporation, but The basic idea is a community where Stardust gamers who don’t want to join a guild but and don’t want to hang out on the Stardust discord nevertheless want a place to hang out that’s a little more less like chat and more like discussion forums or discussion threads.

[00:01:45] You can keep updated by getting email alerts. So you can just follow the topics you’re interested in and things like that. You can check it out at intergalactic coalition. com. I do have an interest survey there. This will be a paid community partly to offset the cost of the software.

[00:01:59] Unfortunately, it’s not free like discord, but anyways, if you’re interested in hanging out with other starless gamers, please go to intergalactic coalition. com and fill out that interest survey. So let’s get into the content. This past week actually had a lot of Star Atlas events. But before we get to that, the Metaverse Nomads did have a great interview with Dan Park, who is, I believe, the Star Atlas in house attorney or lawyer.

[00:02:24] Not exactly sure his title, but he’s definitely a lawyer. And he was talking about the DAO, which is one of the projects he’s shepherding within Star Atlas. So if you want to hear more about the DAO and a little bit about the The, the behind the scenes working, some of the legal things related to that metaverse nomads again, had a great interview.

[00:02:42] You can find a link to that again, and on my website and intergalactic Harold, just look for news recap one, two, six, but the big star Atlas event that occurred was the opening of the crew pack. So we got the airdrop of our crew that if you already had a ship and that occurred early in the week, then on the Atlas brew, they did a opening pack Jose was there, I guess Sante and Dom were traveling to one of the conferences that Star Atlas was presenting at.

[00:03:10] So it was a solo show, but again some community members participated too. And so, that was the big one. He was opening a whole bunch of packs that he had, crew that he had and, and going through the different thing, plus intertwining with some of the lore, which of course Jose is great at because he’s the lore writer.

[00:03:25] So anyways, if you wanted to kind of see that and kind of the official one. Additionally, both Metaverse Explorer and Behind the Horizon did live crew pack openings of their crew that they were able to get. So those are really fun to watch along. Their excitement is definitely palatable. Both of them got legendary cards, so that was kind of cool to see.

[00:03:47] So anyways, those are also linked to in my news recap if you want to check that out. So that was pretty much the substance of everything going on. Again, a lot of it. I think Yeah, so yeah, so that was the, the biggest thing going on. So kind of in my segment, the Status Star Us I’ll kind of give some thoughts on the crew itself.

[00:04:05] Again, I’ve been kind of mentioning over time, I’m expanding my definition because other people are a what’s a game and definitely the crew opening. Experience was a game in the sense that you don’t know what you’re going to get as far as the image of the crew the rarity of the crew from let’s see.

[00:04:23] What is it common uncommon rare? epic legendary I think and then anomaly so there is that kind of, uh, excitement there. Each crew then has different attributes and things like that. So again, watching both the Atlas crew and the two Metaverse Explorer and beyond the horizon. Yeah, there was definitely a game aspect to it in the sense of what are you going to get?

[00:04:46] But. Kind of on a pragmatist standpoint it does kind of feel like a short lived rush. I do admit as the videos continued as they were opening more crew kind of lost interest. And, and again, maybe part of it is again, they’re not, they’re not my crew. So you know, you can only live through other people, but I know this is a big thing, opening baseball cards or any sports.

[00:05:12] Cards is a big thing for people to watch. Pokemon, which I never got into is the whole phenomenon. So again, it just may be my own personal thing. But one thing that has become clear is unfortunately the lack of utility for these crew. Now they will be needed to continue playing Sage because the ships no longer have crew.

[00:05:34] So, but. you were giving crew. So it’s more of just you have to add, I assume, add those into SAGE. And then you can reconstitute your fleets. Because I believe this upcoming week the team, Star Atlas team, will be changing SAGE. So all our fleets will have to be disbanded, either by choice or forcefully.

[00:05:53] And then you’ll have to kind of put them back together again. Again, hasn’t come out yet, so we’ll have to wait and see. But, Beyond that aspect of crew there doesn’t appear to be anything on the short term. You can download an image of your crew if you wanted to put it as a picture on, say, your social media, but that’s pretty much it.

[00:06:11] So, some of the future things they’ve mentioned is like a mobile app and even seeing the The picture that you pick for the crew inside the game, whatever parts of the game, Unreal Engine or Sage, the web browser one not there. So I kind of do wonder why in hindsight it was released now because they did do some collaborations trying to get other Solana projects engaged.

[00:06:37] That’s it. I mean, I guess everybody. In crypto likes to get free stuff, but okay, what are you going to do with it? So I was again, wondering what all these kinds of collaborations, I mean, is anybody in those communities going to care about a picture of a, you know, a person related to a sci fi game that you can’t really do anything with.

[00:06:57] There is supposed to be the ability to trade these cards, but it’s not going to be in the star Atlas marketplace right away, apparently that needs to be upgraded to a newer version to handle these different asset classes. Because they are. NFTs, where the marketplace is only allows for the, what is it?

[00:07:14] S S F I again, I can’t, sorry, just can’t keep all these acronyms straight, but the, because the crew are unique the market price doesn’t really handle unique assets yet. So they’re partnering with a, another website called tensor, but apparently that’s not. Officially ready or it’s not ready yet, so can’t even trade him just yet.

[00:07:34] So again, I’m kind of wondering why was it released right now? And again Even if I knew in the foundation room, which I don’t remember, I didn’t see the message. I don’t know. But anyways nothing on the official channels anyways on, you know, kind of why now this was the thing. The other thing that was kind of weird I was doing and realizing.

[00:07:54] I think I saw somebody post on the discord in the general one that before you can even open your crew pack you have to actually go through the whole process of creating a star alice profile and that whole process pick your faction and things like that and If somebody was just given one of those crews through the other collaborations, there was definitely no kind of onboarding or, Hey, by the way, you got to do all this.

[00:08:16] So kind of, again, maybe a missed opportunity to, you know, bring people in and things like that. So again, I’m not, it was fun. I mean, it was kind of cool and it’s nice to have, but again, so Anyway, so that’s that’s sort of it in my my analysis. Going forward though and again, we’ll see with the SAGE integration with crew this upcoming week, what’s next?

[00:08:46] And it sure seems like we might unfortunately fall back into a waiting pattern of waiting for a breakpoint. The Solana conference that the team is going to, I believe at the end of September, to see, you know, what the next thing is. Now, having said that, breakpoint is a big event. They’re having a full day Mini event off the Solana conference just for star Atlas.

[00:09:07] Lots of the team members are going out there. They’re having different things. So again, it is a big deal. And so a period of quiet between now and then seems. To make sense. I mean a lot. They’re going to hold off announcing much more. So we’ll kind of see where all that goes. So moving into the final segment, which is again, kind of where’s my journey right now with Star Atlas.

[00:09:29] So you’ve been following on my podcast. You know, I’ve been trying to complete a supply chain mining goal within which is to get every one of the initial raw materials a million count just to figure out supply chains and transport and scan and mining. So completed it. I got my complete million count of diamond at whatever starbase that was.

[00:09:51] So I’m in the process of moving that all back. Interestingly, one of my fleets that I had been using before, actually I guess it was my mining fleet that I was using before to do transport after I was done mining couldn’t reach it. I guess I, Knew there was a limitation, but sub warp seemed to be quite far out there, but apparently not.

[00:10:09] So I actually decided given that we’re going to have to disband our fleets anyways, I just went ahead and disband all the fleets and then tried to recombine them all into one. And actually I found that quite a bit easier than managing a couple of different fleets. Now, I don’t know if I, Wouldn’t assume any of the consumption of resources like fuel were different if it’s one fleet or two fleets.

[00:10:31] Don’t know for sure and didn’t want to spend the time to figure out, but definitely just watching one fleet move back and forth. Maybe it’s taking longer. I’m not, again, I just didn’t really care. This is the last one. I’m just trying to get all these materials back before the, I think it’s the August 20th where the fleets get disbanded.

[00:10:47] So, So but going forward, once this goal has been created, I have to admit, I’m kind of done with STAR based. It’s just too tedious to keep watching the Sly Assistant, which again, it’s not Sly Assistant’s fault. It’s a great tool, awesome what it can do. It just, there’s no real long term purpose to keep getting materials.

[00:11:06] And some of my earlier calculations, if you listen to those podcasts, it would have been way cheaper for the amount of resources inputted, fuel, food. And ammo to just buy the raw material on the marketplace. And again, there’s nothing to do with them. I guess I could craft, but again, craft to what purpose?

[00:11:24] Now, having all said that, I admit I have not really explored the upkeep. And the upgrading of starbases, it does feel like the upgrading of starbases might have peaked only in the sense that you don’t see or hear a lot of the guilds talking about, hey, we upgraded to this one. So I’m not really sure on that.

[00:11:43] Again, I’m not following close enough to really know that. So, I, I may explore those too and, and maybe just a little more crafting to bump up that XP, but again, really not sure. Intriguing at all. The only final thing, I guess I haven’t really explored the LP, which then converts to Atlas, but again, it’s a lot of work when I can just keep my ship’s infection fleet, regardless of the actual return on that.

[00:12:10] But it takes a couple of clicks a day to keep those getting some atlas. So I always add time into my equations and definitely the time it takes to maintain a fleet status inside of Sly Assist and inside of Starbase. It’s just, it’s just pretty hard. Yeah, it’s just too tedious. So we’ll see. But that’s sort of where I’m at.

[00:12:31] So hopefully I’ll get those resources pulled back. I did go ahead after watching all the videos, I was going to open my crew packs later this weekend, but after finishing all the videos, I was like, yeah, let’s just do it. So I have to admit, it was kind of fun to keep clicking and looking at what the different images were.

[00:12:47] But the newness did wear off quite quickly. I had, I can’t remember, almost, I think 50 total crew, maybe and yeah, it just, it just wore off quickly. Maybe it was late at night, I was ready for bed, who knows. I did get I can’t remember the exact thing, but I got a few epics, but I think that’s pretty much from the platinum pack.

[00:13:05] That pre sale one that I got, so I think I got some there, but it was still kind of cool to get a few of those. I guess the one thing, and again, I wasn’t really looking at statistics that much, because again, I feel like that’s so far in the future. It was hard to really know, like, ooh, cool, that one is this.

[00:13:22] But again, like I kind of alluded to before, Wasn’t really ever into the Pokemon thing and other kind of those card games where they have things. So again, this just may not be my style of gameplay. I did collect baseball cards and comic books back in the day, but they’re, I don’t know. I was young when I did baseball cards.

[00:13:44] So it was just the thing to do. But again cards have radically changed in the last few decades. So I did go ahead and pick all Mud as my selected faction, only because that’s pretty much what I’ve been doing for everything. In Discord, a lot of people were mentioning they didn’t like the appearance of the Mud characters.

[00:14:01] Most of the other opening videos that I watched were the other two factions. And I don’t know. I mean, they seem fine to me. I don’t know. I guess I could nitpick, but I, I don’t know. I mean probably more of anything was after opening my 50, it was the the lack of uniqueness in general, but I realized.

[00:14:23] I don’t know how you’re going to really make them unique. At some point, it seems like some of the facial styles are the same, and then the body structure was the same, and then it was just change the color, or change the clothes, or change the hair. But given the potential permutations, and I’m sure the team worked this out at some point you are going to get sort of the same thing.

[00:14:43] So, I don’t know. I mean, again, I didn’t find this is a big deal. If anything, it’s just like, well, I got 50 of them and yeah, there’s some patterns. Well, there’s 50 of them. I don’t care. I, again, don’t even understand how people with hundreds or thousands, I mean, it’s, to me, becomes like you don’t even care.

[00:15:03] But anyways I will go back and see if I can pick out any quote favorites for whatever reason that came out partly because I think there’s some zilly quests that you have to post your your crew pic. So I’ll do that. So, but overall, I mean, it, it was fun. I mean, there was I don’t, I won’t deny it.

[00:15:20] It was kind of cool. I mean, sure. I would have wished to get higher, higher, higher. or I wish I had more or whatever, but that’s, that’s just common. Everybody wants more and better and that’s just how it works. But it was fleeting. And like I said, kind of near the end, I was like, ah, just click open. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

[00:15:37] You know, and I’ll look at it later. So again, overall fun, but fleeting. So that’s sort of all the things I had to talk about. So just to wrap up again thanks for listening. I am. Still interested in having guests on the podcast though I haven’t done much outreach myself. So but anyways anybody wants to chat about their projects or they’re another content creator, or you just want to talk bring, or review the week, review the week in review with me, I’d love to have you on the podcast, we can chat.

[00:16:05] And then if you want to check out any of my Star Atlas projects, again, you can go to intergalacticgear. com. If you’re interested in Star Atlas merch, again, I do have them A series of mugs available and there is a merch survey there you can fill out. And then if you’re interested in being in the community of star house gamers who aren’t members of guilds that just want to hang out, but not in a chat format, please go to intergalactic coalition.

[00:16:26] com and fill out the interest survey. So hope you have a good week ahead. This is Matt with the Intergalactic Herald.

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