Podcast 76: Star Atlas Weekly Review

Star Atlas: Week in Review Podcast

In this episode, we recap the latest news of Star Atlas from the past week.

We are looking for guests to be on our podcast. The podcast is a discussion of the past week’s news about Star Atlas. If you are interested in being on the podcast, please contact us.

We are launching a Star Atlas merch store. Please check it out at Intergalactic Gear.

We are creating a “non-guild” guild. If you are interested in learning more, please go to Intergalactic Coalition.

If you would like to support our efforts, donations can be sent to intergalacticherald.sol

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Podcast Transcript

[00:00:00] Hi, this is Matt with the Intergalactic Herald. Welcome to my Star Atlas Week in Review podcast. This is podcast number 67. Any articles or videos mentioned can be found on my website at intergalacticherald. com. Please look for news recap 125. So just a quick summary of kind of some of the things I’ll be talking about.

[00:00:18] Some of the content that was the Atlas brew and some of the initial parts of the crew release airdrop and The snapshot occurred, and then I’ll just go over my two sections, my state of Star Atlas thoughts, and kind of my journey playing Star Atlas. But before I get to that, just two quick projects I’m working on.

[00:00:36] One is my merch store Star Atlas merch store called Intergalactic Gear. You can get that at intergalacticgear. com. It is open for business I have some mugs for sale. I’m trying to develop my second product line, but well, we’ll see. Busy. It’s summer here in the what is it? Northern hemisphere and family activities with kids out of the school.

[00:00:55] So anyways slow, slow going, but well, yeah, anyways, I have some mugs, Star Atlas mugs, different logos and things like that. So if you go to intergalacticgear. com, if you’re interested in purchasing any of those, you can, they’re only available so far for shipping in the United States some. Point I’ll turn on worldwide shipping.

[00:01:11] But again, just part of the rollout and understanding all the setup and hard enough trying to figure out taxes in the United States, but if you are not interested in purchasing anything, but you would like to give me some feedback, I’d love to get some input on some Star Atlas merch you’d be willing to be interested in purchasing.

[00:01:26] I do have a merch survey there, so if you could fill that out, greatly appreciate it. Also still on the back burner is what I’m calling the intergalactic coalition. Again, you can go to intergalacticcoalition. com to find that. It’s kind of well, I want it to be a startless community of gamers who don’t want to join guilds.

[00:01:42] At one point I called it a non guild guild. Now I think I’ll just call it a gamer community, or starless gamer community. I don’t know. Anyways, the idea is that you just don’t want to hang out in the discord and you’re looking to hang out with some people, smaller group different platform, a little more, less chat like, more threaded discussions more asynchronous.

[00:01:59] So, you know, if you three hours later, you know, you can still catch up. So anyways, if you’re interested in something like that please go to intergalacticcoalition. com. We’ll be a paid community, but that’s to help offset the cost of the software. It’s not free like Discord. Anyways, let’s get into the content.

[00:02:15] Just have a few things you know, Mention why I think there’s only a few things, but there was an Atlas Peru this past week. So again, the Star Atlas community team keeping up with their regular Wednesday kind of community chats called Atlas Perus. They did preview the crew pack process.

[00:02:29] In fact, they talked about it. quite extensively. So some of it’s already occurred. Some of it’s still coming. So again, if you want to kind of hear more about that see some early previews of how the opening of the crew packs wash ago. Great to do again. If you go to intergalactic herald.

[00:02:44] com, look for news recap, number one 25. There’s a link to that. And just to mention and passing Stardust TV does recordings of those and post them. And that’s the links I provide. It’s a great service to the community. I cannot watch these things live Due to you know, just life running my business things like that So it’s very great to catch up on Friday night with all the things So again, I want to shout out to Stratos TV for recording those and spending the time there.

[00:03:11] It’s really great service to the community. In the Stardust discord, the team did announce that the crew will be available on Tensor for secondary training. So apparently I need to figure out where, what or what, where that is. Don’t haven’t never got into kind of the NFT trading stuff before. So so some website called Tensor.

[00:03:30] So something new to learn, but again, I’ll just wait to the crew cards come out and are actually I guess tradable and see what happens there. And then I did see I guess it was on star Atlas. So I’ll take that as the thing though. Somebody else kind of made it sound like it had occurred, but anyways, that the the airdrop.

[00:03:46] So this past week, this, the snapshot where star Atlas determined who had a ship they recorded all that data, but unfortunately it sounds like there’s, since there’s a lot of data process, they aren’t able to stick with the goal they had, which was Giving the crew out to everyone. So that’s been delayed.

[00:04:02] I haven’t checked the Starless discord since Friday night. So I I don’t know if it’s been updated I wrote this to myself on Friday night when I finally saw it. So so I’m not sure when we’ll get our crew Airdropped again, the crew opening though was still in the future I think it was August 20th, but again, all dates are subject to change and I My memory may be fading.

[00:04:24] So check the star house discord for any of the announcements there anyway. So that was kind of pretty much it in so. Moving on to my, you know, kind of commentary analysis, the analysis section on the kind of the state of Star Atlas there definitely has met a lot of anticipation of the crew of the Star Atlas.

[00:04:42] Brew went over it I think, I haven’t read it yet, but I think AFIA Guild published one of their great long kind of missing manuals or guide guides to crew. And so but anyways, there’s, there seems to be a lot of talk about that in the Stratos community and it makes sense. You know, it’s again been touted as for early adopters who bought ships.

[00:05:02] Now they’re kind of splitting into components. You know, you’ve got your ship haul, now you have your crew and I think it’s a Crew component bundle. Don’t quote me on that. There was an article That star I was put on that and I read it, but again, just being a pragmat, pragmatist, okay, cool. We got this other thing and it doesn’t do anything and we can trade it.

[00:05:25] Okay. So, you know, it’s like just one more thing to have to deal with, but I guess we’ll, more will make sense in the future, which is fine. But I did what kind of was thinking more about crew and as much as there’d been a lot of anticipation and kind of community sentiment being like, this is great.

[00:05:43] Still a strike, but what do you do with crew and it I’m not 100 percent sure, but I think it’s just for Sage. And again, I know some of the, the bigger players in there have been saying that crafting is a bottleneck, and if they had more crew, then they could craft more. I haven’t really got into crafting much, so I’m not sure.

[00:06:02] Not sure. But it sure didn’t sound like there was much else. And again, when I think they had the crew video, they were showing, you know, the Unreal Engine five aspects, the player profiles and things like that you know, aptitudes leveling up the mobile app and I’m like, yeah, it’s all great, but I don’t think we’re going to get anything after we get our crew, except maybe something in Sage.

[00:06:25] So again, we’ll see. But Again, I hate to say it, it just feels like it’s going to be a letdown in a couple weeks. Okay, we got this and then we’re done. But again, I’m glad to be wrong, but again opening the crew cards sounds cool and collecting them and having different rarities, that all sounds interesting, but it feels a little like Just the NFT buzz of a couple of years ago and then I don’t know why I need a board ape.

[00:06:51] So on term though, yeah, it seems like there’s a lot of things that crew enables, but so does ships and other than, well, I actually, I shouldn’t be, even though I’m not enjoying playing Sage, your ships do have utility in Sage. You can mine things, you can craft things. Well, I guess crafting is now crew, but up until this point, you needed a ship to craft No, actually, I’m sorry.

[00:07:14] Well, you had it. Okay. I’m totally going down the wrong path. Let’s just stick on ships and what you can do for sure. You can move a ship in Sage. You can mine a ship or mine a resource with a ship and you can scan for STUs with ships. So those things, assuming your ship’s equipped with all the necessary things, crew, or components in the future.

[00:07:32] You’ll still be able to do that. So there is utility for a ship. Obviously you can take your ship into Unreal Engine 5 and move it around, fly it around, look at it. And again, if you own it, that is there. And again, the UE5 thing’s been called the showroom so you can go see it. And again, It’s kind of cool, especially with the ownership aspect, but getting back to crew if it’s just crafting and sage you know, again, unless there is a well, I’m not sure how much of the gameplay that really changes.

[00:08:02] Cause you could do that before. It may allow people with larger. fleets to craft more. Great. Again, I guess we’ll just see. But, to end it on a positive note, I do still think there’s a lot of value in the short term with just the collection aspect of it, because that is kind of cool. And the reason I say that is it’s no different than collecting the ships.

[00:08:22] Maybe I’ll, Be interesting getting a crew for some other reason, but again, we’ll kind of see. But again, ships are kind of the same thing. They have all these potential things down the road. So anyways that’s anticipation crew. The other thing I was realizing, I’ve mentioned before that it sure always kind of seemed like we’re in a different periods of time where we’re just waiting.

[00:08:42] And I was realizing, we’re not really waiting now, it’s more of progress. I mean, they did take a snapshot of the people who had ships. Maybe the airdrop’s been delayed, but it sounds like that’s just a technical hurdle. They had so much data, it took a while and time to process. Yeah, I mean, if you’ve ever used computers before, you probably know.

[00:09:01] Inevitably do something that takes longer than you expect. So totally get it. So, and, and then there’ll be the opening and then the trading. So, I mean, I definitely think there is a much more of a progress period right now. Additionally. And it’s not really rating waiting because to me, waiting is not knowing what’s coming.

[00:09:21] We do know what’s coming and it sounds like there’s a lot of emphasis being put around the break point from having the conference there to obviously preparing different things to show both at the, the keynote address at break point. And then what’s happening at the conference. So I would imagine a lot of things are being done given, I pretty sure that was end of September anyway, so, you know, month or two from now.

[00:09:45] So, yeah, I think, I think we’re, we’re in a progress period where things are moving forward with that has been told and have been told, will be told at break point. So, and then the last kind of thing on the state of our star outside now, and I, I don’t know if maybe this might be more about the community as opposed to the team.

[00:10:01] I wonder how much, at least for Northern Hemisphere community members, how much of summer just impacting family. I mean, I’m, I mentioned that I’m being time taken away doing family activities because the kids are off of school and I don’t know, the weather’s nice and you don’t want to sit on the weekend and, you know, create a guide or something like that.

[00:10:20] So anyways, I wonder if again a little bit is just the mental state of thinking of summer even though I haven’t been having a summer break from school for decades. So that’s It was nice where it lasted. I’m sure for sure, but you know, you become an adult and you got to work all the time Anyways, so last little kind of updates to sort of my journey of playing Star Atlas I’m on my last mining material, which is diamond.

[00:10:44] I think as I checked this morning I had reached a halfway point of over 500, 000 units mined. My goal was again a million really hoping I can wrap that up and move all this stuff back before the crew Opening and they forced the disbanding of ships or fleets within sage next week. So I don’t know if it’s going to work out, but I think I finally developed a sustainable supply chain by adding one more alarm, or I guess it wasn’t large, but.

[00:11:12] Relatively speaking, larger capacity ship to the thing, so I’m moving the fuel, food, and ammo out and I haven’t run out once, so if small minor accomplishment to have a sustainable supply chain especially given how long of the distance is I’m sure I could have overcome that before by adding another ship, so Anyways, it’s kind of cool just to be checking, Solana I think has been busy I think I, I personally correlated that to something I read in one of the other news articles that another meme coin was released on Solana, and that was driving up the price of Solana, which I would assume perhaps meant that congestion went up too.

[00:11:50] But I’ve been just keeping mine at the no priority fees, and so I think it causes the transactions to take a long time to occur. But since there’s the law on travel distance, Most of the time the ships, like, an hour and a half travel are just moving, so no transactions need to be approved. So, but anyways moving through on all that, and yeah partly happy to complete a goal slightly happy to stop having to do something, again, only because I don’t really have any purpose for mining a million of all these different resources, or materials, excuse me, but, again, we’re almost near the end.

[00:12:26] And then the last little thing on kind of my journey, and it’s not necessarily to my play, but it’s more of my role as Whatever I do started two new guides to kind of take my beginner’s guide and take it to the next level, I guess well, through some motivating Comments decided maybe it was worth while to do so creating two guides.

[00:12:44] One is a Kind of just beginner’s guide to starting to play star based hopefully it doesn’t get totally blown apart if they make changes next week, but anyway, I guess I can always redo that video, but But I have all the video, the raw video was captured of that, and then I did another one, which is my thoughts on how to get started playing Star Atlas.

[00:13:08] And again, this is more of the broader one. I said a couple of monetary Starting points 100 and 20 a month to kind of handle transaction fees and increasing your fleet and buying resources and things like that. Again, hopefully that doesn’t totally get blown apart once you need to buy a ship plus a crew.

[00:13:27] But again, we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. Once we see how things are different after the crew has been fully reused. Anyways, got started on those. Posted the two overview videos on YouTube and got a few views, so that’s kind of cool. So, anyways, that’s about it. Again, not a lot of content that was created, so not a lot of analysis.

[00:13:48] Again, I’m going to blame maybe Summer for a little bit of the content creators getting busy. So I haven’t posted a lot, like, I know Beyond Horizon has gone, well, I think he’s doing some shorts, but not his typical long form content. Excuse me, Metaverse Nomads keep doing their weekly, and those are great.

[00:14:07] But this last one was more about the couple of their guild members thinking of getting on the council for the DAO, which, again, is great, but it’s just, you know, Didn’t incite anything in my mind that I wanted to share with you guys, but again, the links are in my News recap if you want to check it out.

[00:14:22] So anyways, I’ll wrap up there. Thanks for listening. I always appreciate it Haven’t said in a while But if you do like this and you want to leave a review on wherever you’re listening your podcast Of course, I’d like it if you’re listening on YouTube, of course like it I appreciate that all those standard like and subscribe stuff.

[00:14:39] But anyways thanks for listening Hope you have a great week ahead. And this is Matt with the Intergalactic Herald

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