Podcast 6: Star Atlas Weekly Review

Star Atlas: Week in Review Podcast

In this episode, we recap the latest news of Star Atlas from the past week.

Podcast Transcript

Hello, welcome to the our weekly update of Star Atlas News. I’m Matt with the Intergalactic car. I’m just going over our latest recap, number 55. You can find that recap with all the links mentioned here at intergalacticherald.com.
So the first video that we’re gonna touch on is by Gladiator. He did a review of the Folyd Liner in the showroom going through, looking at the ship, and flying it around.
Next Star Atlas published a quarter one 2023 development sneak preview of a whole bunch of work in progress, images for different things like environment and ships.
Metaverse Explorer posted a video going over some of the latest news and Star Atlas, including the Racing Track, the economic report, and some update from the developers.
Metaverse Nomads posted a video of their latest livestream.
Next Gladiator posted a video where he went through the showroom of Star Atlas. Looking through the different parts of it.
The Hologram News Network posted a video with some updates on Sage including and also the quarterly economic report.
Aephia published their weekly Star Atlas with newsletter number 73, where they go through different news that happened this week.
Metaverse Explorer posted another video where he compared the Opal Bit Boat to the Rainbow Arc.
The Hologram News Network did an interview with a couple people about the Star Atlas economy.
Again, if you’re interested in learning more and seeing the links to all these videos and articles, please go to intergalacticherald.com. Thank you.

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