Podcast 5: Star Atlas Weekly Review

Star Atlas: Week in Review Podcast

In this episode, we recap the latest news of Star Atlas from the past week.

Podcast Transcript

Welcome to the Intergalactic Herald. My name is Matt. This is our weekly Star Atlas News update, recap number 54. You can recce. You can look at all the links for this recap at intergalactichearld.com and look for recap 54.
First we start out with a video posted by Metaverse Explorer. He goes over some of the images or at released in the Star Atlas Discord Foundation room, some of the new work in progress images.
Next item is a from the Hologram News Network. Krigs gives a quick little update and then interviews a group of people preparing to play future ship combat called the Vanguard Squadron.
Next, metaverse Nomads have their weekly livestream of Star Atlas and other crypto news.
Aephia posted their latest Star Atlas with newsletter number 72, where they go over what happened in the week past
Metaverse Explorer published another video on YouTube, this one using a tool that was pushed out about to help rank your start out with ships.
The hologram, Krigs post an article about another Star Atlas community member who actually launched a 3D printed ships that you can buy on his website
Hologram and Krigs again posted another article on medium about a in real life meeting of the different members of the Star House community.
So that’s our recap, recap of the week past for Star Atlas News. Again, you can go to intergalacticherald.com and look for recap 54 for links to all of those articles and videos. Thank you.

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