Podcast 17: Star Atlas Weekly Review

Star Atlas: Week in Review Podcast

In this episode, we recap the latest news of Star Atlas from the past week.

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Podcast Transcript

Hi, it’s Matt from the Intergalactic Herald, just doing the Star Atlas weekly news recap number 66. If you want to find any of the links mentioned here, please go to intergalacticherald.com.
The Club posted a video where they did a quick introduction to Star Atlas.
Star ATS TV posted a replay of the star or the, excuse me, the Atlas Brew number 67. This one was about claims stakes.
Metaverse Explorer posted a video where he went over some of the most recent star Atlas updates.
Metaverse Nomads posted a video of their Star Atlas livestream.
Aephia published their latest weekly Star Atlas newsletter.
RahMega posted a video of the updates that happened in Star Atlas this past week.
Pathfinder posted a video of some star Atlas updates and his interactions in the Star Atlas metaverse.
Beyond The Horizon posted video where he did a deep dive into Star Atlas claims stakes.
Star Atlas TV posted a replay of the Atlas Brew number 68, which dealt with Star Atlas Lore.
Pock The Pirate posted a video where he looked at if you could make a profit playing Star Atlas Escape Velocity.
Metaverse Explorer posted a video where he went over some more Star Atlas updates, including things that might be coming up in the new showroom 2.1.
If you’d like to find links to everything mentioned here, please go to intergalacticherald.com and look for news recap number 66. Thank you.

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