Star Atlas Weekly News Recap #59


Welcome to the Star Atlas weekly recap from the Intergalactic Herald. Below is what happened with Star Atlas this past week.

We are looking for guests to be on our podcast. The podcast is a discussion of the past week’s news about Star Atlas. If you are interested in being on the podcast, please contact us.

Metaverse Nomads #92 Star Atlas- SAGE: Escape Velocity

Metaverse Nomads posted a video of their weekly Star Atlas live stream.


Aephia published their latest Star Atlas newsletter.

ATMTA Insider Spills on Quiroga Departure

The Hologram published an article about the departure of a Star Atlas co-founder.

Star Atlas IP Updates

OCG Thor posted a video about the Star Atlas IP policies.

Talking Star Atlas Releases and S.A.G.E.

Gladiator posted a video about Star Atlas updates.

Call to Action: Star Atlas Host Largest Scavenge Hunt Featuring Giveaway Prizes

The Hologram published an article about an upcoming event in SAGE Escape Velocity.


MetaVerse Explorer posted a video about the latest Star Atlas updates.

What is the size of your ship?

Gladiator posted a video comparing ship sizes in the Star Atlas Showroom.

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