Star Atlas Weekly News Recap #25

Sci Fi Corridor

Welcome to the Star Atlas weekly recap from the Intergalactic Herald. Below is what happened with Star Atlas this past week.

STAR ATLAS #95 | Multiplayer Testing & Roadmap Scan #18

The MetaVerse Explorer posted a video about multiplayer in the Showroom and a review of the latest Star Atlas roadmap updates.

The Truth about Gerio — Part III: Star Atlas Roadmap Scan #18

Star Atlas published a Medium article with another lore story and their latest roadmap updates.

Weekly Star Atlas newsletter – by Aephia Industries – Issue #44

Aephia published their latest Star Atlas newsletter.

STAR ATLAS Interview With Matt- TOP [ME] fan

The MetaVerse Explorer posted a video interview with Matt Woicik of the Intergalactic Herald.

TWEET – Intergalactic Community Announcement

Star Tweet posted a tweet that Star Atlas ship drops are being paused.

STAR ATLAS #96 | NO LONGER SELLING SHIPS ( Till later this year)

MetaVerse Explorer posted a video about Star Atlas no longer selling ships.

Michael Wagner: Discussion around seller fees is “largely overblown.”

The Hologram published an article with some comments from the Star Atlas CEO about the Star Atlas Marketplace seller fees.

Star Atlas Pauses Ship Drops Until Later This Year

The Hologram published an article about the pausing of new Star Atlas ship selling.

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